Showing posts from March, 2012
Remembering Easter
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Growing up in an Italian household, nothing was ever Mom loved to knit and crochet, when she finally sat down after a long day... in her later years, she used all of her scrap yarn, but mostly crochet cotton, to make pot holders....utilitarian necessities for every woman who cooked! On special occasions and holidays, Mom would gift us with her beautiful crocheted treasures....mine were pastel coloured because of my love of flowers, and Micki, my sister would receive brightly coloured ones to suite her decor! These are the lovely colours she used for me, and when pulled out of my dining bureau and grouped together they made a perfect little Spring vignette... Mom had great tension in her work, and it was executed with perfect stitches.... The small chocolate coated almond candies were Easter staples at our home, and Mom would fill all her candy dishes with them..... Here you can see here lovely handwork...the soft sherbert colours were perfectly suit...
Mosfair 2012
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С 29 марта по 1 апреля состоится VI Московская международная выставка-ярмарка кукол и медведей Тедди «Moscow Fair 2012» Я там, ессесно буду:) Желтый сектор стенд 36. Цвет сектора смотрим на потолке. Жду всех!! Метро: Белорусская, Маяковская, Баррикадная, Краснопресненская. Тишинская площадь, дом 1, строение1. 29 марта (четверг) — с 12 до 20 часов 30 марта (пятница) — с 11 до 20 часов 31 марта (суббота) — с 11 до 20 часов 1 апреля (воскресенье) — с 11 до 18 часов
Repurposing vintage finds...
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A quick post today, leaving for sunny Florida for ten days, so I shall be absent from blogging for a little while.... Since my obsession with china has taken over a few spaces in my home, I have resolved to being more creative with its uses....I think that is the secret to making vintage collections, fresh and new, by assigning them repurposed duties in the household... In the past, I was especially drawn to the large, beautiful wash basins, which often accompanied the pitchers of the same designs...above you can see one in green transferware. I have relegated it to the guest bath as a towel receptacle...I have also used it at Christmas for holding my eggnog, circled with a fresh green wreath at its base, with a silver ladle for dispensing the nog. It makes a great centerpiece for the festive table. It is one of my favourite pieces of transferware. I love the colour green! Here a small pitcher, of the same wonderful green colour is holding several wash cloths... Thi...