Showing posts with the label giveaway
Get Ready For Our Most Glamourous Giveaway EVER...
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((Commenting is now closed for this giveaway.)) Ladies, n-o-t-h-i-n-g is more glamourous than the creations that Jamie from SimplyMeArt brings into being in her shop, SimplyMeArt I have been buying pieces from Jamie for years and WITHOUT FAIL whenever I wear my treasures from her shop, I get so many compliment on each piece. I can be found wearing jeans just about every day of the year, but it's what I put WITH those jeans that makes the difference. I love to pair Jamie's elegantly glitzy jewelry with jeans as my "statement piece" rather than opt for getting allllll dressed up. It just says "me" and still allows me to be "me" wearing my jeans at the same time. Rather than hoard this info about all this fabulous jewelry for myself, I'm THRILLED to do a giveaway offering the VERY LUCKY WINNER the piece of her choosing from the shop. A-MAZING! Simply leave me a comment here, on this post, and your name will be entered to win whichever ite...
Do You LOVE Decorating Books? Well, I'm Back & It's GIVEAWAY TIME!
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Ohhhh, decorating books... fabulous, big, shiny, wonderful decorating books. They are my downfall. Well those -- and SHOES. ;) I can't even count how many such books I have around the house -- mostly French-style and of that, mostly the Provencal French style (country French). Of late, though, the books I've been ordering have been of the Swedish decorating ilk. And I have stocked up quite nicely on them. SO, I wanted to play nice and share some of them with you. Now...let me say this right up front... I AM A DIE-HARD PRE-OWNED BOOK BUYER. I mean, come on, how bad could a pre-owned decorating book be? The original owner obviously has good taste and style (wink-wink) and isn't likely to trash her books by reading them with one hand while she knocks back a peanut butter and jam sandwich in the other. And if she did, she'd SURELY do so with a dainty napkin, right? (wink-wink, again). So, I only choose "pre-loved" books that are rated as...