
Showing posts with the label 55 - 60 lakhs home

₹55 lakhs cost estimated white flat roof house

2832 Square Feet (263 Square Meter) (315 Square Yards) 5 bedroom flat roof white house plan. Design provided by Divine Builders from Kannur, Kerala. Square feet details Ground floor area : 1453 Sq.Ft. First floor area : 1224 Sq.Ft. Porch area : 155 Sq.Ft. Total area : 2832 Sq.Ft. No. of bedrooms : 5 Design style : Modern Flat roof Estimated construction cost : ₹55 Lakhs* (₹86,000*) (AED 315,000*) (*May change time to time place to place) See Facility details

2847 sq-ft house ₹60 lakhs cost estimated

2847 Square Feet (264 Square Meter) (316 Square Yards) 3 bedroom house with an estimated cost of ₹60 lakhs. Design provided by R it designers, Kannur, Kerala. Square feet details Ground floor area : 1453 Sq.Ft. First floor area : 1232 Sq.Ft. Porch area : 162 Sq.Ft. Total area : 2847 Sq.Ft. No. of bedrooms : 3 Design style : Modern curved roof mix Estimated construction cost : ₹60 Lakhs* ($94,000*) (AED 343,000*) (*May change time to time place to place) See Facility details