
Showing posts with the label Bathroom Concept

Bathroom decorations

Bathrooms can be made interesting and colorful, warmer and larger appearance. Colored tile and fixtures, and decorative materials are available for almost any effect  murals, glass, mirrored, chrome, tile, steel, linoleum, etc. Image credit by (juhansonin) Walls and ceilings may be painted,papered, or covered with a washable material-linoleum, tile or glass. (Wallpaper should not be used in areas subject to constant splash). Effective wallpapers include large floral designs, undersea flora and fauna, stripes, metallic design, etc. Window curtains may match shower curtains. Floors usually are tile and walls half tile and half plaster. Linoleum-covered walls and floor are not only attractive but excellent for soundproofing. Some of the new plasticized plywoods developed for torpedo boats and airplane during the war are providing new finishes for bathrooms. Other equipment may include besides the medicine chest and hamper, a vanatorium, radio, ressed shelves, or a knick kna...

Bathroom Remodeling - New Idea

To redecorate or remodel a bathroom , ideas are needed, and current trends should be studied. This chapter is but sampling of the changes occurring in bathrooms, and later chapters will provide more detailed information. Image credit powered by (ajier77) It should be noted that fiberglass as a material in bathrooms is coming into its own, and in the not-too-distant future more and more fiberglass will be used in bathrooms . Most fiberglass fixtures at present are found in the shower and tub area, but some water closets and lavatories are being manufactured from fiberglass-reinforced plastic. Many model homes in suburban tracts are showing fiberglass fixtures in the bathroom. More carpeting is being used in bathrooms, and more different kinds of materials are being used for walls and flooring. Cultured marble, made from crushed stones and resins, is being used to produce glamorous Roman-like bathrooms. Entire walls are being constructed of this material, which virtually elim...