
Showing posts with the label Before and after

Old house renovation project 2145 square feet

2145 square feet (199 square meter) (238 square yards) 4 bedroom proposed residence renovation rendering. Design provided by Exado Design Studio from Malappuram, Kerala. House Square Feet Details Ground Floor Area : 1429 Sq. Ft. First Floor Area : 716 Sq. Ft. Total Area : 2145 Sq. Ft. Design style : Modern

Work finished flat roof house before and after

Total area of this work completed house is 2300 Square Feet (214 Square Meter) (256 Square Yards). Designed by Designnet, Kozhikkode, Kerala. Square feet details Ground floor : 1400 sq.ft. First floor : 900 sq.ft. Total Area : 2300 sq.ft. No. of bedrooms : 4 Design style : Flat roof Facilities in this house