
Showing posts with the label Kitchen

Kitchen, Dining, Stair


Kerala interior design - bedroom, living, dining and kitchen


Kitchen work area and bedroom interior


Kitchen, bathroom Living room interiors


Kitchen Design : Color, Texture, and Pattern

The choice of colors, textures, and patterns adds impact to your kitchen's design. Colors affect the perception of space, control light reflection, and evoke an emotional response. Color also emphasizes or camouflages architectural features. As you consider surface colors and textures, it's wise to remember that you have to live with your choices the year around. Bright red or yellow cabinets may add warmth to your kitchen in winter, but they can become overpowering when the summer sun pours in. Since the quality of light influences the appearance of color, try to select colors under the type of light you'll use in your kitchen. If you plan to use several colors and textures, make up a pattern board of various materials to judge their compatibility. Scheming with color The size and orientation of your kitchen. your personal preferences, and the mood you want to create all affect the selection of your color scheme. Light colors reflect light, making walls recede; thus a smal...

Bedroom and Kitchen interior design Kerala


Interior designs at Parassala, Thiruvananthapuram


Storage Kitchen Ideas

As the years go by,  most people acquire a lot of kitchen items. ranging front the small appliances they cannot live without to individual pots,  serving platters, and utensils that they use only once a year. Well-planned storage will allow you to easily find and use the items you need and to keep them in a sensible place. A well-planned kitchen not only provides enough storage space to house all the items you have or would like to acquire but also places that storage so that any item you need is readily available. Saving time is a major consideration in our lives. Proper storage cuts down on cooking time because it saves extra trips around the kitchen to gather what you need to perform various tasks. Good storage planning also recognizes that the items you use most frequently should be stored between the knee and shoulder level for a minimum of stooping, squatting, or bending in base cabinets, or reaching or climbing up to wall cabinets. Fortunately, designers and manufacture...

Appliance Placement in The Kitchen : Dos and Don’ts

Many plans place appliances according to a "sprinkler” system that is, appliances are sprinkled throughout the room with little logical connection to the progression of tasks takes place in a kitchen, fact, appliance logically the gression of tasks takes place in the kitchen. Sink/Dishwasher • Provide sufficient "loading space" at the sink the dishwasher to make loading and unloading The average person needs approximately 20 to 24 inches to stand and perform these tasks comfortably. • Place the sink cleanup area near the middle of the work pattern, if possible, since it is So heavily • Provide sufficient counter space for a dish drain on one side and food preparation, cleanup. and leftover storage on the other, if the plan does not call for a Sink. The dishwasher door should not obstruct the aisle when it is open. Microwave Oven - Microwave at preferably, below eye level. Otherwise, it is awkward to remove hot dishes. Other good alternative are placing it at countertop l...

Interior design renderings of 2731 sq-ft house

Interior designs of 2731 Square feet (254 Square Meter) (303 Square Yards) house by Ar.Jithin K from Kozhikode, Kerala. House Square Feet Details Ground floor Area : 1855.38 Sq. Ft. First floor Area : 896.85 Sq. Ft. Total Area : 2731 Sq. Ft. No. of bedrooms : 4 See rest of the interiors

How The Kitchen Function

A kitchen layout must enable you to perform a great many specific tasks efficiently and comfortably. Among these are: 1. Bringing in groceries and other household goods from outside. This is one of the reasons that the location of the kitchen, in relation to the rest of the house, is important. The location has to pass what we'd like to call a torn-bag-of-groceries test. If you’re hauling in a torn, heavy grocery bag from the nearest entry, you need a convenient surface on which to set it down before the bag breaks. 2. Storing groceries and other household goods. Your cooking and shopping habits will dictate how much and what kind of storage you need. For example, do you buy mostly fresh fruits. Vegetables, Meats, And fish, or do you rely primarily on packaged goods? Do you shop in bulk or on an as-needed basis?  3. Preparing food. The relationship between the sink and the cook top is still the most important one in kitchen planning. Think of it in terms of how it passes the hot pa...

Traditional Kitchen Design

Current kitchen design still owes much to traditional planning principles, however, there is no one perfect solution to your design needs. Multiple solutions are available, depending on the restraints of architectural, structural, budgetary, and building/zoning code requirements. Ultimately, it is more important for your kitchen to function well and to provide an appealing aesthetic environment than it is to follow design guideline precisely.  The Work Triangle Classic kitchen design has always relied on the concept of the work triangle. This term refers to the path of the tasks you perform in the kitchen: removing food from the refrigerator, moving to the sing to wash and prepare food, and moving again between the sink and the cooktop for cooking and cleanup. The points of the work triangle are generally referred to as work centers. Classic design principles include the following: - The optimum work triangle has equal-size legs - Traffic patterns should not interfere with the tria...

Changes in Kitchen Design Principles

Kitchen design was once based on the assumption that a stay-at-home mom prepared meals for a family, because the kitchen was used only for cooking. It could  thus be separate from the rest of the house, with its facilities confined only to a single function. The advent of the working woman has had a profound impact on the kitchen design over the past 25 years. During the week, when everyone’s schedule is full and people are busy, meals are as likely to be “zapped” in the microwave as created from scratch. In addition, men and children are now active participants in meal preparation. Our current time constraints, which allow for less time to devote to cleaning chores, have also meant more emphasis on ease of maintenance as a major criterion in selecting materials for the kitchen.  You can also read: Kitchen Cabinet Arrangement As social and family roles have changed and evolved, the kitchen has changed also , becoming the heart of of the home for some families. The kitchen’s i...

Living, bedroom kitchen interior designs

Living Room Size : 3.30 x 4.20 Sq-ft : 154 See More interiors

Living, staircase, kitchen and bedroom interior

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House interior designs by Nobexe Interiors

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Kitchen, dining and living interior designs

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Walls of the Provencal Cuisine - Choose the Best Colors

The walls of the Provencal cuisine are an important part of an environment of the house. It is particularly important to select a coating that is in harmony with the rest of the furniture. You can opt for a solution in which there is only the wallpaper, or for an alternative that provides for the existence of the latter or the plaster with the tiles. Image by by TheSunShinesBlue at under All Rights Reserved The wallpaper is a solution to avoid if the environment is particularly small, from the moment that the fumes from the stove could damage it. In the case where, on the other hand, it is possible to separate clearly the area of the kitchen from that of the consumption of meals, for the second and you can use the wallpaper in bright colors as the light yellow and orange, or decorated with small hearts or floral motifs. The walls of a kitchen decorated in a provencal style can also be painted with the plaster. This solution is an alternative that honors in perfect way one of...

Furnish the kitchen - Table Including

The new trend "connects" closely the table to the kitchen, approaching it to bases or slipping it in snack bar. So it is that one of effect with different heights. Image credit by by artgoodieshome at under All Rights Reserved The presence of the table, directly connected to the elements of the kitchen, creates a complete area is equipped to accommodate the family and friends also during the preparation of meals: the kitchen becomes so in the center of the house, in the true home and hearth around which meet. With respect to the snack bar, the conventional table offers the advantage of being more "easy" to use, even for children (and the elderly), also allows you to tableware also large neals so traditional and formal. It is the ideal solution in open spaces where you want to avoid creating separations net with respect to the living space and maintain the open spaces and also visually seen as a "unicum".  Large or small, the table can be made wi...