
Showing posts with the label Lighting

Lighting Tips for Your Bedroom

Don’t expect just one bright light to do everything. To get the most restful and versatile lighting. consider layering.  AVOID  Stay away from ceil ing lights — especially a central light. Take care of general illumination first. While one bright overhead light may seem practical and functional, it’s probably too harsh for a bedroom. It's also very unflattering and won't illuminate specific tasks, such as applying makeup. reading, or writing letters at a desk. LAYER "Layering" lighting makes a room much more functional, friendly, personal, and interesting. Layer lights by choosing two or three different sources of illumination. For example. in a large bedroom, a decorative floor lamp, a decorative overhead light, a table lamp, and a pair of wall sconces or a torchiere — all on dimmers — could be chosen to give character, multiple moods, and variable light. One or two bedside table lamps, plus a desk light or sconces, offer basic, general lighting for most small bedroo...

Lighting Tips For Bedroom

The importance of lighting in a room cannot be over emphasized. Strategically placed lamps can transform the most unimaginative room. Retailers have finally recognized the need for sophisticated and appropriate lighting, and there is something to suit everyone's requirements. You can choose from a great variety of standard bases, high-tech flexible stems, spots. uplighters and downlighters. Experimenting with lighting is not cheap, however, so it is probably better to start by looking at some basic principles alongside what you already have. Forget overhead light: it will kill any atmosphere particularly important in the bedroom. If you have always used standard bedside lamps but find that they are too harshly bright in their new environment, use bulbs of a lower wattage. Experiment with different shades; drape dark-coloured fabric over the existing shade to test a tone; have your lights on a dimmer switch so that you can adjust them to suit your immediate requirements; in extremis...


Colored lamps may be outside coated (for indoor use only), ins i de coated or enameled or natural colored (amber, blue, green, ruby only). Frosting diffuses light. White coated bulbs give better diffusion, but lose 15 percent of the light. Image credit powered by (BFS Man) The type of bulb you use will affect the color scheme, in as much as colors do not appear the same under artificial light as they do in daylight. Incandescent lights are warm a nd emphasize the warm colors-reds, yellow, etc. Under incandescent light, blues present special decorating problems. Dark walls look richer under incandescent light. Fluorescent light tends to intensity the cooler colors-blues, green, etc. The fluorescent lights are made in various colors to give three variations of this hard white light. A daylight fluorescent lamp is blue-white, is hard on colors but gives good illumination to blend with daylight. It is most often recommended for use in the kitchens. The “3500 white” is the mos...