
Showing posts with the label Coffee

Heard From The Good Folks At Java & Co. Today! They're Sweetening The Deal For My Blog Readers!!

Today I got a delightful comment from the owner of  Java & Co.  the store you may recall from my  coffee-themed post a few posts previous to this one. They are the company that offers all those delectable coffee-based  foods like syrups, meat rubs made from ground coffee beans, etc... Well the comment from them was so sweet and I thought I'd share it with you!   Here it is: Ruth, I'm frequently online and searching for new coffee information and those who share my passion of the bean. Thank you for recognizing JAVA & Co. on your blog. Your comments and those of your followers are greatly appreciated. As a thank you for you and your blog followers - we'd like to offer a special promo code for those who'd like to purchase through our main company website -   Receive 15% off of your order,  just enter PROMO Code MKT2010  and checkout through PayPal. From one caffeine lover to another - I raise my cup to you! Jamie L. Kn...