
Showing posts with the label Home Decoration

Basic Types of Doors

Whatever the type or age of a property, you will need to examine the external doors and win­dows carefully to see if they need to be repaired – or, at worst, replaced. In the latter case, you have the opportunity of enlarging, moving or adding extra doors and windows and this work is best combined with any plans you may have for repairing or rebuilding walls.  Nothing looks worse than a beautiful door mat with a broken down door. When you fit replacements, you should certainly consider the option of installing double glazing, which will save on energy, reduce heating costs and make the house a more comfortable place to live in. Basic Types of Doors: The chances are that external doors will be made from wood, although you may come across some of aluminum or even plastic. These are usually found in houses where doors have recently been replaced. Anodised aluminum is widely used for front doors in a modern glass-panelled style. These are usually double-glazed with obscured, tem­pered ...

The Relationship Between Different Rooms

Whether we are decorating just one room or all the house we must not forget that rooms are related to each other; they do not exist in a vacuum and must have a common idea linking them together. Good space management Inside the home will make it more comfortable for Its inhabitants.  If we are renovating a space that has already been used in the past—lets say With uses already assigned to It - we must question why things are the way they are. Habits and lifestyles change, and  interior decoration must follow suit. We have to find the right balance between size, function, and intensity with which a room is used. There are a few basic rules related to the room layout in a home: the dining area be close to the kitchen: the sleeping area be near the bathroom and as far away from the circulation zones and nose. There are a variety of ways of creating new rooms or spaces. We must choose what fits in with where we live and how we live. Rearranging internal walls the most common. Sli...

Decorative Wall Paneling

Interior decoration by means of wood paneling was in its prime in the stately and substantial Tudor period, and the practice of lining walls and ceiling with polished oak panels enclosed by hand made moldings was the accepted method of finishing rooms. Times and manners changed, and the somewhat gloomy oak gave way to plaster panels decorated with delicate coloring and gilding. Today, with its rapid changes and democratic art, we build it a lighter style and our rooms are usually left with but plain plastered walls and that remnant of the paneling of olden days, the skirting board. The present days has, however, its advantage, for never was there such a number of excellent ways of decorating our walls and never were there such opportunities of getting charming interiors at so low a cost. We can, if we wish, with polished oak, but this is beyond the means of most of us and perhaps not entirely suited to modern taste, and it will be found possible to adapt present-day methods to the form...

Another Window Treatments Tips

Valances: To hang accross one or group of windows. Maybe stiffened (with buckram or board) or unstiffened ; straight, scalloped, ruffled, pleated, swag, cascaded, festooned, etc. Materials may be damask, silk, velvet, brocatelle, chintz, etc. For formal rooms; simple cotton or rayon fabrics for informal rooms. Uses: formal drapery to floor, over curtains or over curtains and venetian blinds  Image credit by (emily@ go haus go) Cornices: Wood painted or covered with fabric shaped or straight at corners. Uses: formal and informal rooms. Draperies: May be straight, looped back, pinch-plated at the top, traverse (to close by pulley and a cord or by hand drawing). They may be hung from straight or circular rods, from cornice or a valance. Uses: any room. Window seats: Seat cushions may match or tie in with draperies. Uses: for narrow dormers acloves, by window. Dutch Windows:  Wood frames on 4 sides of windows, cut in interesting outline. Shutters: Wood, Seldom used...

Window Treatment Tips

Roller Shades-linen, Chintz, Plastic : May be plain, in printed chintz, in solid colors to match or contrast, with designs from draperies or slip-covers pasted on, or with various colored strips pasted on, or with decalcoanias applied. Seasonal design may be pasted or taped on and later removed. Inexpensive. Uses: for bathrooms, children’s rooms, playrooms, with curtain or drapes. Image credit by (wockerjabby) Venetian blinds:   Available in aluminum, steel, plastic and wood in many colors. Tapes may be matching or contrasting colors. Tend to catch dust. Uses: with draperies or curtains or just a valance. Add width to a room because   of horizontal design.  Split bamboo shades: natural color, May roll up and down or install as vertical traverse curtain. Uses: for informal or Chinese motif .For playrooms, summer rooms. Woven wood: Available as shades or traverse curtain. Various colors, but usually used in natural tones, Uses: Modern, formal or informal room...