
Showing posts from September, 2012

Last of summer....

You will have to excuse my long absence from the last post.  I dove into blogging a year ago with such enthusiasm, I surprised even myself, it seems! I do attempt to read all of my dear blogging friend's entries as I can, and often leave a comment.  But the summer has gone by so quickly, with all the tasks at hand and the renovation in full bloom, that my poor blog has taken back seat to everything else.... Our sketchy internet connection here, in our temporary home, and the sheer magnitude of what has to be dealt with everyday have left me somewhat overwhelmed! However, I will endeavor to post a short one about a tiny bit of my world at the moment.... The above photo, taken yesterday of Cinderella fairy, inspired me to take on a little project for the new powder room bath.... I'm afraid I'm an incurable romantic!  I love gilt and baroque period furniture and painted, I decided to paint a demi lune cabinet to serve as a vanity in this room...


"Thea" Год рождения - сентябрь 2012 Рост - 45см. с помпоном. Ед экземпляр. Продается. 15 000р. Одежда - джинса, хлопок, замша, шерсть. Волосы - синтетика. Тело - трикотаж, хлопок, холлофайбер.

К зиме готова!:)


Little Witch.
