Showing posts from November, 2012
Cake Batter
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Today I chose the colour for the paint of my interior walls, Benjamin Moore's Cake Batter. I decided I would just use one colour throughout the entire main floor, including bedrooms, bath, main entrance hall and kitchen/living area. I am still feeling a little unsure about the whole thing!! But the show must go on!!! I thought I would do a post on the feeling I hope the colour will bring to my new interiors, through a series of photos taken of my home last will never be like this again.. Hopefully this will be a good thing! The colour Cake Batter, besides having a yummy name, is a very soft, milky colour with a lot of depth.... Because we live in the woods, the shadows and ombre effects played by the light filtering through the trees and coming in the windows, the paint changed colours almost by the hour after we applied a sample colour on the wall... The vintage crochet lace on ecru linen I used as a cuff for this stoc...
Les petites gens.
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Идея создать более бюджетную игрушку зрела в моей голове давно. И созрела, наконец-то:) Спасибо карапузу, меня сейчас вообще на все маааленькое тянет. Рада представить новую серию -Les petites gens (Маленькие человечки) - я очень оригинальная, да:)) "Человечки" всего по 20 см. Имена каждому давать не буду, мой мозг еще на больших куклах сломался. На заказ делать тоже не буду, а повторы делать буду, но если и когда захочу ( я сейчас еще и капризная). Итак.. Les petites gens. Рост - 20см. Год рождения - ноябрь 2012 Цена - 7000 Материалы - хлопок, вельвет, трикотаж. Волосы - шерсть. Корона - фиг знает, я ее не делала. Если малявку очень попросить - стоит сама:)
The road to Bountiful.....
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I am certain that many of you have experienced what I am about to tell you....the unexplained, immediate connection to another fellow blogger...a hidden friendship just waiting to be kindled, through heartfelt comments left time and again, late at night or early in the morning when we can steal a few moments for ourselves to read the precious blogs we follow... across the miles and sometimes oceans, the connections are made, by total strangers, brought together by common interests and sensibilities, through this amazing medium... Last week I visited one such friend, Jermaine, from the beautiful blog French Kissed, in California.. My husband and I were attending the Breeder's Cup (ahem!!) in Santa Anita, just outside Los Angeles, travelling from Ontario, Canada...and of course, sweet Jermaine, made the trek from Santa Barbara to meet me...this was our second visit in two years.. but for both of us, it was as if we had been friends forever... Easy, effo...
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Тадааам! Дядя Рэндом выбрал себе любимчика, им стал номер 22! Мои поздравления! Урааа! От победителя жду адрес в ЛС. Зы: Ща поглядела, а желающих уже 2099 вместо 2095. А была я там 5 мнут назад. Кого не учла - пардонте. У вас было 5 месяцев:) Остальные - не расстраивайтесь! У меня для вас еще кое-что есть, новогоднее. Правда, не совсем бесплатно, хы-хы:)