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Rose's Exquisite Creations

I am very happy to have reconnected after some time, of course through blogging, with the artist of the lovely Father Christmas figures featured several posts ago.  Many of you have inquired about them....her name is Rose Dolhanyk, a very well known and documented doll artist and miniturist. After several years, I found Rose through Google and was happy to also find she has a blog, You will be delighted with your visit......   I have cherished my collection for over twenty years, since I first found may also email Rose at


  It happens to me every year....the day after Christmas I am ready for a party, a celebration, finally just kick off my shoes and relax and let the festivities begin.... Now that the highly charged atmosphere of the last two days has subsided, the cooking, cleaning and wrapping done, I am ready for fun.... When I find myself alone for a bit, I sink into a favourite chair, and just enjoy the transformation our homes and surroundings take on for a few weeks every year....  Count my blessings and my many gifts....both tangible and not so.... ...a beautiful ex voto with my initials, and a heavenly lavender sachet from a dear friend from afar... ...the soft magic of candle light which seems so different this time of year... ....remembering dear loved ones..... .....special memories, from a few short months ago, like this ex voto, found at the flea market in Arezzo, with the initial M topped by a small crown....making for a perfect Christmas ornament. .....savouring the beautiful whit

Visions of Sugarplums

Do you often wonder at what prompts us to see things in such an individual way....everyone has a different point of view or vision perhaps, of the same object? What does the mind's eye record and remember, or just toss away into the far recesses?? Why are we drawn to certain colours, styles and dismiss others? I know that my preference and taste for clothing and decor has not really radically changed over the years. I love romance, roses, antiques, soft muted colours, and nature, and notice every detail about it all ! What I see in my mind's eye influences everything. The hand painted ceiling above, was taken in my uncle's old home in Italy. It just captivated me. It was in the very top floor of what must have been the main bedroom.  Can you imagine looking at that before you fell asleep each evening and upon awakening? Amazing. I wonder who painted it? I purchased this beautiful water colour from a customer of mine. It hangs in my kitchen. Roses, china, romance, what els

Small Treasures

There still is a bit of time left for contemplating the thought of handmade gifts for Christmas. A few weeks ago, a few of us made these interesting pear pin cushions. This is the large size, but a smaller version is in the works,which I hope to gift to a few special friends who stitch. The idea is to totally hand sew them from start to finish, and then personalize them for each recipient, more like a memory board idea, and embellish as you go. Adding a copy of a photograph with special meaning is a good start. I bought a small inexpensive locket, which I distressed and then added the small script. Small vintage spools of ivory coloured thread which I attached with pearl head pins, holds crochet samples of my Mom's work. The sage coloured toile was a left over scrap from a recent project. It was a great neutral colour to play with and served as a good backdrop for layering treasures.  Adding another dimension, a monogrammed piece of a damaged vintage napkin to personalize the p