
Winter white.

It seems that with the onset of cool weather and that I can no longer putter and poke in the garden, my thoughts turn to fabric and thread, the garden's answer to puttering indoors.  This means unearthing all the stashes of remnants and textiles which caught my eye at some time or another. There are bits of lace, trim, buttons and bobs which leave me wanting to sew.  I feel honoured and privileged to have been invited to participate in a sewing circle this winter with a group of women who truly create magic with their hands!  A little nervous in such elite company, I am carefully playing with some ideas for an all white or cream quilt.  I love the French boutis, simple, just a few fabrics used and all over quilting which give them their signature look.  I especially like Kaari Meng from the French General's quilt kits. Hoping to replicate something along those lines here. These are the colour ways that are coming to mind. Monogrammed linen wine bottle bags in ecru which were

A crispness in the air.

Is is inevitable.  The air is getting colder and even though the sun was shining today, you can feel the change in seasons. I got out my Nespresso frother and made myself a hot and spicy chai latte, added a little treat of pistachio, cranberry and white chocolate biscotti of my sister Micki's and I was ready to settle in. Now on to winter pursuits....

Collections....obsessions, or just things.

Growing up we had very little in the way of "decor" as we know it today.  My Mom kept our home spotlessly clean and the tantalizing smells of her delicious cooking greeted you when you entered the door. On her kitchen counter she had a set of stainless steel canisters for her sugar and flour and on our kitchen table, a soup tureen which was never used. We had everything we needed in the way of necessity and comfort, but there were no "things" for the sheer sake of having them or for their beauty. It is no wonder today, that after so many years of having my own home and being a wife and mother, I am sometimes obsessed with finding and filling my space with things that are beautiful and meaningful to me.  Over the course of thirty some years, this has translated into many things. My obsession with pearl handled sterling flatware....   blue and white china..... and any colour transferware.... ....anything with gold gilt..... .....acorns.....the symbol of rebirth a

A Flame Left Burning.

The Cattedrale di Sienna,Duomo, is perhaps the most awe inspiring, magnificent church compared to the Vatican in Rome.  Actually it was built in the early 16th century to rival the Vatican by the wealthy bankers who resided in Sienna, the seat of the first bank of Italy. It was never completed because the Black Death swept Europe and eradicated most of the population. I visited Siena, which is only one hour by train, from Florence. I was totally captivated by what I saw. It was renamed La Chiesa di Santa Maria del' Assunta. It is magnificent in every detail, inside and out. .....lovely pale pink in its perfection. The black and white striped, marble columns, striking in their simplicity and unexpected stature, in stark contrast to the ornate gold and ormulu interiors. ......the magnificent cupola..... ......every where awe inspiring and jaw dropping beauty, evoking feelings of mystery and incredible wonder! ....a crypt... and the magnificent organ. Beautiful putti, ever

