
Furnish the kitchen - Table Including

The new trend "connects" closely the table to the kitchen, approaching it to bases or slipping it in snack bar. So it is that one of effect with different heights. Image credit by by artgoodieshome at under All Rights Reserved The presence of the table, directly connected to the elements of the kitchen, creates a complete area is equipped to accommodate the family and friends also during the preparation of meals: the kitchen becomes so in the center of the house, in the true home and hearth around which meet. With respect to the snack bar, the conventional table offers the advantage of being more "easy" to use, even for children (and the elderly), also allows you to tableware also large neals so traditional and formal. It is the ideal solution in open spaces where you want to avoid creating separations net with respect to the living space and maintain the open spaces and also visually seen as a "unicum".  Large or small, the table can be made wi

Tuffets and boxes...

Trying to finish last minute gift items this week....but struggling with lasting flu aftermath... I have a thing with boxes...cache pots, anything that will be the receptacle for my finds and trinkets I deem important.... ...made this box to give to my cousin Mary... old scrim and muslin, just torn and tattered instead of ribbon for the closure... ...... a little acorn stamp for the symbol of rebirth and renewal, seems to be necessary for what I need to leave behind at the moment.... Found this appropriate passage to recall the meaning of the season..... ....a beautiful photo I downloaded from the Graphic Fairy and inserted into a tiny gold leafed frame from my stash....everything was then antiqued with gesso wash..... Several years ago when I had Acorn Lane, the shop, jewellery tuffets were one of the most popular items which we sold..... They were a unique alternative for holding special treasures or jewellery.... It was also a great way for me to use up all the left





Baby owl.




Baby butterfly. Pink.
