
Внимание! Конкурс в моей группе Вконтакте!

В моей группе Вконтакте проходит очень интересный конкурс! Добро пожаловать всем, кто там есть. Ну и кого нет, регистрируйтесь и ай да к нам:) Участвовать могут все абсолютно. Правда, если вы не зарегистрированы, вы не сможете голосовать, да и альбом с работами будет жить там:) ttp:// Копирую сюда условия участия и выкройки:) 1. УСЛОВИЯ УЧАСТИЯ ВАШИХ РАБОТ, На конкурс принимаются работы всех авторов, сшитые по моим выкройкам (выкройки прикрепляю). Это может быть и мышка, и зайчик. Или две мышки. Или два зайчика и мышка. (но, только если вся эта компания - одна работа!) От одного автора - одна работа. Вы должны быть участником группы . Вы должны сделать перепост этого сообщения к себе на страницу. Шьете из любого материала, любой фактуры и цвета. Используете любые аксессуары. Любые модели одежды. Неизменными должны остаться тело-руки-ноги-уши, остальное - на Ваш вкус. Обязательное условие - снимаем работу только на белом фоне. Ника

Astrid & Froya.

Astrid & Froya. Рост - 42 и 20см. Год рождения - март 2012. Не продаются. Материалы - Джинса, трикотаж, плащевка. Пряжа - полушерсть. Волосы - синтетика.



Violet Lupine.


Views on vintage lighting...

Finally, as promised a bit of what I have been up of the things that I was determined to do during the renovation was utilize as many of our former furnishings and collected pieces which we have acquired over the years. So with this in mind, it influenced every decision I made regarding choices for flooring, trim, window placement, paint I have had this Capodimonte light fixture in storage for years.  Originally for sale in my store, it didn't sell and ended up in my possession after the store closed.  It is serendipity that a piece reflecting my heritage should now be hanging in the new garden/dining room! Capodimonte paste porcelain originated in Italy in the early 1700's. King Charles VII, king of Naples and Sicily became interested in it's manufacture after he married the grandaughter of the Meissen porcelain factory's royal founder. This prompted Charles to start his own factory....There are manufacturers throughout Italy who continue the

Spring in the distance....

  I have been down with a nasty chest infection, like so many of us this month.....So much to do, moving back home but unable to...temporarily gives me time to reflect on tasks waiting and aspirations incubating in my mind... I ordered more rose bushes which will arrive in April... Centifolia variegata, Antonia d'Ormois, Blanc double de Coubert, and Empress Josephine...all very floriferous and shade tolerant ....hope to place these among more boxwood in the garden....if you live in the Niagara area, Palatine Roses is an excellent source of old fashioned roses, located on Creek Road in Niagara on the Lake...Ontario. They ship to the U.S. as well. Unknown to my husband, I am still hoping to build a little garden folly !! Perhaps my folly, after the renovation this year! This photo above is from Velvet and Linen....perfect as a storage area for garden tools or potting supplies...I would add a window would look great at the border of the woodland

Love is in the air.....

  A few days ago I learned that.... Life like love is fickle...but mostly, fragile..... When I think of Valentine's Day I think of roses, chocolates, cherubs and candlelit dinners.... ..... Over the years my expectations of this day have lessened..... .....all I need is my husband, my sons.....the loves of my life! Wishing my dear readers, every blessing and beauty that love inspires...... Happy Valentine's Day! N.xo   All the above images from my Pinterest boards.... Nella Miller on Pinterest   Posted with Blogsy