
Trade Show Time!

Well, with the advent of January, comes the full onslaught of the trade show schedules, for almost any endeavor you might be involved in, with the retail industry. Whether it be home design, fashion, food and event planning, the trade shows begin running from now until mid summer. After being so tapped out from the holiday presentations so many retailers have experienced, you are thrust right back into finding those new and exciting items for your customers. Although I have been involved in both aspects, from the buying and selling end, it is an exciting and also daunting experience!  I still attend the shows, although have become more selective, since I am mainly interested in wedding related themes and products.  Several years ago, I participated in a local wedding show and while editing some photos today, came across a few I had recorded of our booth. The vintage theme always being present in our presentation.... I like to incorporate little details in my work, like this vintage


Winter seems to just make me want to nest and hibernate during the long months of cold and snow. When our boys were younger we skied all winter and I enjoyed the temps and cold sunshine, but as I get a little older I prefer indoor pursuits.... ....the garden is dormant and I think I am half the time!  I want to just curl up with a good book, do some selective stitching or cook.... With our renovation looming ahead of me, I am rather grudgingly packing up and going through items to keep or discard.... While working on doing just that, I came across this little acorn soup tureen stashed in a cupboard in the laundry room...totally forgotten.... You can see the little acorns and oak leaves embossed in the porcelain and the lovely finial on top..... Sometimes the potters insignia in these older china pieces were as lovely as the design itself..... This tureen came with eight soup bowls, a ladle and a square saucer at its base. I was so happy to find it, I decided to make some roasted s


Brrrr.....winter has officially arrived here in Jordan, and after enjoying some balmy temperatures for the holidays, our woods are wearing their winter cloak..... the minus temperatures today, and my thoughts are turning to snuggling up and getting cozy around the house.... Would just love to lie around in my bed today and snuggle up under some quilts and wool blankets which I can't seem to get enough of.... Quilts of all shapes and colours have found their way into my home.... ....but over the last year I have been collecting pure wool blankets for their sheer coziness and texture. I love the way they feel, soft and luxurious really, but I have been noticing how beautiful the tags sewn inside the borders are also.... When I come across one at auction or antique sales, I look at the tag, as well as the condition they are in, as the tag is always so telling and original... this one from Germany.... ...and this beautiful one from Vermont... Quilts and pure