
Les petites gens.

Les petites gens. Рост - 22см. Год рождения - февраль 2013 Трикотаж, хлопок, вельвет, флис, пряжа хлопок и полушерсть. Волосы - шерсть.

Les petites gens.


Les petites gens.


Dreaming in green...

Every year, around this time, I begin to reflect on what I should have done, should do more of, or not at all! Inevitably, it always reflects around my surroundings, especially in the garden, when we all dream of what could be, when armchair gardening is so much more entertaining and achievable.... I look out at the snow covered beds,which have taken a bit of abuse from the work which was done to the exterior....I should have planted more trees, in lieu of annuals and perennials, more flowering shrubs instead of capricious climbing vines and more boxwood, never enough boxwood! ....but clarity, promotes wisdom, albeit too late it seems! The lovely little rose above, The Fairy, has been a consistent performer in my garden, and I wisely chose to include her several winters ago, while perusing the Pickering Roses catalog in January. She is thriving happily among Limelight hydrangeas in the south west border of the garden. All manner of armchair pursuits are possible in the gloomy,

Thinking ahead....

  I always had a bad habit of not thinking too hard or long, when making decisions about decor....I usually know what I want when I see it, and don't have the need to see more samples or continue looking for the better Aunt Carlotta taught me to stop looking....when your eye has made your heart respond.....I like that, and it has served me well! I have been thinking about how to furnish and decorate now, for seven long months! It is now time to move ahead with a few basic steps..... I have always admired the tufted ottoman, and liked it's use as a coffee table, multifunctional, topped with a lovely tray....I have just the large, vintage silver ottoman! This photo, is as close to what my two love seats resemble now. Previously, they sported pink and green floral fabric...." Floribundas " as referred to by my friend Trish, from Trouvais, lively, bright, little flowers for the living room!! Now, in a heavy cotton duck fabric in cre

A New Year begins.....

How time slips away....more quickly now than week begins and ends almost in a wink !! This year has been filled with change for me, a temporary address while we renovate our forty something home....watching our oldest son leaving his maternal home, more difficult for him than I could ever have imagined, and my youngest son hosting Christmas Eve for the first time.....good change, but still, always trepidation for those involved....we are all managing very well! I am always grateful and try to remain mindful of those less fortunate....wishing all my readers the very best of the new coming year!! N.xo This is my 99th post, sent from my iPad, another new beginning!! N.xo

Snow Queen.
