
Marie Antoinette for Christmas??

This little thrift store find, for next to nothing, got me thinking about Christmas??? She has a French air about her and I thought it would make a great gift, holding court, perched on a vintage cake plate dome. The type that are discarded now by today's homemakers. Usually they are made of tin or aluminum and have lovely glass plates as bases. Hmmmmm?   Food for thought.

Downsizing....Part Two.

Continuing from my last can see the front door entrance.  Although a little dated, just painting it milk, enhanced the glass oval insert, and sets off the bevelled glass and brass features. It picks up on the glass prisms of the chandelier and ties all of the glass inside the kitchen and dining areas together. Here you can see the new counters more clearly. A good view of the dining room, not overly large, but it accomodates her ten dining chairs easily when needed for special family gatherings. We moved the other two chairs to different areas of the house. Looking for an area carpet to soften the space between table and flooring.  Perhaps something with soft taupes, creams  and a touch of black? or some colour? This is the living room, which you step down to from the front foyer. A new wood floor replaced the old one, which was a much lighter colour. This furniture was also from her original home, a lovely butter colour plush velour like fabric on the soft furnishings

Downsizing, editing, living.

My friend Sandy and I have been close friends forever.  We met when we were 18 years old and have shared life's joyous moments as well as difficult ones together.  When she asked me to help decorate her latest home, I was thrilled.  Besides sharing so many memories, we also love many of the same things, good design sense, vintage, comfort and beauty in our homes, attention to detail, and a love of family. This is the home she and Don purchased this spring. Downsizing, but not willing to give up anything, they moved from a 3500 sq. ft. two storey, to this back split, with good "bones" and a great layout. However, a major interior redo was in order. The "before"  kitchen, as seen as soon as you enter the front, to the left of the entry. The step down, to the family room, with the fireplace, looking very front and center, but a nice shade of grey.  Sandy decided to enlarge the staircase by widening it, and extending it, with deeper treads. This would give it m

The Breeder'sCup

We are in such anticipation of attending the Breeder's Cup in Louisville, Kentucky this weekend. It is our first time in attendance and we are all very excited. When I return I will be posting about a lovely home I staged and decorated this summer. Have a wonderful week.


  This picture actually makes me smile. I took it this September in the Piazza della Signoria in Florence. Timely, that a black pigeon should decide to use it as a perch just then.  I began to imagine this huge, ferocious looking stone lion, standing sentry at the end of my long lane tomorrow night, if I was a young child. Our lane is quite long and narrow, climbing up the Escarpment, lined by large oaks and very dark, black dark at night, with nary a glimmer of light. Imagine it looming over you when you arrived at the top, with a black crow sitting on it's head! Funny or frightening? A different take on spooky. Happy Halloween!


It appears I've been dreaming in the same colours lately. Ecru, shades of tea- stained cream, touches of black and gold, as seen in the vintage vanity tray on my dresser. Hunting for vintage fabric for my winter project, I stumbled upon this gorgeous turn of the century outfit at Granny's Boot, one of the best sources for antiques in our area. Madge, the owner is one of a kind...energetic, charismatic and generous.  When she saw the look on my face, she gifted me this exquisite little treasue. Look at the silk ruching and beautiful, perfectly stained fabric flower, with a black bonnet pin attached. ...... small, hand made silk rosettes..... .....and gorgeous, silk lining, which is virtually unavailable today. ......more lovely details to savour in the waist length jacket.... I already have something in mind for the lining, perhaps a pin cushion, in the shape of a pear... sitting on a tarnished silver candlestick base???? I started this needle case early this spring...