
Terrace pots for the shade...

With Spring shuffling it's feet, and the weather still far from Spring like, I have been giving quite a bit of thought to the garden...right now, it looks pretty desolate, brown and dingy and still covered in winter debris... This is a corner of our front porch several years ago, prior to the can see the ivy growing up the grey pillar...and a wisp of wisteria vine hanging in the forefront of the photo, from the other pillar... Those pillars were replaced with white, square ones, and of course, the vines were ripped down as well...I was not happy! My Mom always said.." In order to gain something, something must be forfeited! ". So the beauty of a new front porch necessitated the loss of the vines... The ivy growing up the brick wall in the background, took years to too met it's demise, when new, larger windows were added to the front bedrooms... The front of the house, faces north, and receives very little, if no sun, so my plant opti



The Birding Life

One of the sure signs of Spring, is the return of the beautiful birds that inhabit our woods... ....although we have numerous Morning doves, I have never seen the likes of the beauties above...the photo, an uncredited source from Pinterest.... Birds, cages, aviaries...they all intrigue me, and I use these motifs from Nature in my home decor if I can, as well as outdoors in the garden... ....this is a plan I have for building a dovecote...sometime in the future...I think I can adapt it to work with a house we built for our last pup, Tukk...although he is gone his doggie abode is still in the garden... It has weathered nicely, and the vintage tin roof tiles have acquired a very nice patina....Tukk, loved his house, and took to it as soon as we placed it in the garden... ...I think I can make this little "garden folly " work in my birding dreams !! My husband may have a different idea...he just isn't as interested as I am on this one!!   A few years ago, I was lu





Collections and obsessions, and a recurring theme..

  Yes, you're stuck with me! Bed bound with a nasty upper respiratory, the only thing I can do is blog!! I can't recall publishing more posts at one time in the entire history of the blog! I'm usually up and about, and into something either indoors or outside....and too busy to sit and post...but, with this downtime I've been cleaning up photo files and other computer issues... I have noticed a recurring theme in my home decor and things that I love...the colours of the garden...predominantly the colour green. Starting with my collection of green majolica...pieces I have acquired over time, and when it was still affordable... Green and white are the predominant colours in my is a shade, woodland garden.   I'm not looking for perfection, just pieces that speak to me...most have imperfections, like small chips or grazing in the finish which make them more affordable. In the green majolica pitcher, below, the handle was broken and has been comple