
Where Angels Fear To Tread: Giant Catalogs, Reproductions vs. Originals, and Whether Restoration Hardware Is A Design Scapegoat

We tend get things late around here... in the mail that is. I routinely get my magazines a good week or so after I begin hearing about  my blog friends getting theirs and true to this, I am one of the last to have finally gotten my copy of the MUCH talked/blogged/Facebooked/Twittered about Restoration Hardware BIG catalog. It's their biggest ever -- in physical size as well as "buzz". But the buzz has not been all good. Let me say now, that if you didn't already know it by my many recent posts about our home renovation, I am a HUGE fan of Restoration Hardware. In fact, the space of our home that we recently gutted and restored was done to almost 100% mimic our local Restoration Hardware shop. So, I say upfront, as I sheepishly put my toe into the almost angry waters of this Restoration Hardware debate, I am completely baffled by the wave of angst that this catalog and RH as a whole is suddenly being engulfed in. As I read the various posts and comments out there (and

Holding on....

Summer is quickly drifting away.  I can see it in the maidenhair ferns, they are full and lush, and the delicate fronds are languishing under their own weight. I know it when the hydrangeas are in full bloom, like clusters of snowflakes before they melt. The delicate lace caps, are beginning to lose their petals, one by one. Even, the vintage ceiling metal planter is showing the signs of wear from being outdoors over the summer months. The delicate Japanese anemone, have all but lost their petals, leaving only the tall ,waving stalks overhead. Another layer of patinated charm to the planter which was already distressed beyond repair. ...and the rays of the late afternoon sun,which seem shorter and shorter on the lower terrace. Desperately holding on to summer's last hurrah.

The Colour Purple....encore!

Thank you to Pete, of Stec Photography for generously permitting me to publish his exquisite photos of Taline and Varand's wedding last week. He captured the event beautifully. Kudos also, to the lovely Angelica of Simply Beautiful Decor for her exquisite head table decor,linens, chiavari chairs and draping.  She delivers everytime!!! A beautiful event, in many ways, beautifully captured by everyone involved. It takes so many inspiring and dedicated individuals to bring a dream to life.

The Colour Purple

This weekend we did the flowers for a wedding held at the Hilton Fallsview Resort and Hotel in Niagara Falls. I was commissioned early last year and the bride and groom decided to host a formal affair to remember with family and friends, of which there were many! Celebrating the couples Armenian roots, the event was one of the most heart warming and loving celebrations that I have participated in.  Vintage silver vessels, which I have collected for years, such as this beautiful bride's basket were put into use. The tarnished silver was the perfect foil for the dark purple and lavender colour way which was needed to compliment the bridal attendant dresses and reception linens. Since silver has fallen out of favour for today's homemaker, I have scoured flea markets and jumble sales and found some amazing pieces at some amazing prices!! The interior of the little Armenian church, which I was told, is the oldest in Canada! The gorgeous purple of the gowns worn by the lovely