GET 'EM WHILE YOU CAN! New Jeanne d'Arc Listings!

"This just in!"

At the request of MANY of you, we've FINALLY gotten a few of the
new things from our Jeanne d'Arc Living shipment up on the site
for sale -- and not a moment too soon!!

First up, dark metal mesh cloches --

two sizes
(sold individually) to choose from. How WILL you choose??
Click HERE to see them.

The cloches are made to coordinate with THIS metal
"under plate"

but feel free to use them with or without it.
Both the pedestal (under plate) and the cloches look
awesome together or on their own!

Then, the incredible La Poste Christmas stockings....

Now friends, we were sent only SIX of these
beauties so I don't want any bloodshed over these!
I cannot get any more of them (and was very fortunate
to get the six I did get)!
So, not to induce mass hysteria or anything, but
when they're gone - theyre gone.
And I'm not even keeping one for myself -- that's
just how unselfish I'm trying to be. ;)

On to the wonderful, sweet set of three
darkened metal, dimensional hearts.

These are so great -- a set of three, each hung
from a rustic jute rope.
See them HERE!


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