Let The Countdown Begin...

{One of our trees from last Christmas.}

Though it seems hard to believe,
the "count down to Christmas" is on!

I love it!

Thanksgiving was lovely and to peer inside my fridge,
you'd think we didn't eat a thing yesterday since there is SO much stuffed
on every shelf in there! But who doesn't love tons of leftover
pies, cakes, and goodies? :)

If you're out and about hitting the Black Friday sales,
be careful -- and be nice!! :)

May you not get your toes run over by a zealous shopper's cart.

May you not get trampled in a stampede for a sale item.

May you take every opportunity to stop as often as possible
for a hot latte and catch your breath.

Then again... do Black Friday shoppers need to
add caffine to the mix?

Just kidding... :)

Hope you get the deals you're looking for and may you
check everything off your shopping list today!!

Have a wonderful weekend and be looking for
our next giveaway!
You'll need it for all those presents you bought today!



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