Letting You Eavesdrop On A Facebook Conversation Between Dream-Hubs & Me...

Taken by Dream-Hub's cell-phone, just minutes after
my package arrived -read on...

Our mail just arrived and wouldn't you know, Dream-Hubs was outside just as it was being dropped off. So he saw the box in my hands.

(Ladies... you KNOW you also try and hide packages that come... admit it.)

So I had no choice but to reveal the contents to him -- and so surprised he was, that he immediately took a picture with his phone of my new purchase and went straight to Facebook to
tell on me...

Here's how that went:

Doug Harsham Ice skates in Florida...

Doug Harsham
Doug Harsham
just when I thought I couldn't be surprised by anything else...like an old mine cart in the kitchen, etc...guess what shows up in the mail for my wife... she actually had to hang the garland before she'd let me take the picture! These things look like they're 100 years old...

Ruth Harsham
Ruth Harsham
Gotta love life with me, huh? You do, right? :)

Ruth Harsham
Ruth Harsham
Besides, these may be the closest I ever get to actually having a use for ice skates. :(

Doug Harsham
Doug Harsham
wouldn't change a thing!

So ....

Yes -- I bought vintage leather ice skates to decorate my porch with... BUSTED.

Hey, can you blame a native Floridian for at least
d-r-e-a-m-i-n-g of cooler places???

Here's hoping your dreams come true...

And your "secret" packages go undiscovered. Well, maybe not... it's kinda fun when you actually get to SEE
the surprised/confused look on their face! ;)


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