Just Sprinkled The Shop With A Few New Things...

Just a quickie post to let you know, if you are interested, that we just added a few
new things to the New Items page online...

Well, okay -- now that I think about it, they are actually "blasts from the past" as they
have been stocked before, just not for a while.

A fabulous rust-finish and mercury glass "Bird Ball" hanging piece.
The HUGE 2-foot square burlap French sack pillow covers.

And a rustic Recycled Wood Display Box with Glass Lid.
There is more to put up on the site, but, well -- it just isn't done yet. :)

Still trying to get my own home decorated and maybe even consider shutting off
shipping of orders soon -- so I can tend to some very important family matters...

I'll post more later -- truly I will -- but for now, if you don't hear from me as much,
or you call and can't get me as readily at the shop, or your emails don't get replied to
quite as swiftly, it's not that I don't care -- it's that I have something I very much care
about that I must attend to.

My family.

I won't write it all out on this post (this "quickie post") but I want to share with you
that my mother is quite ill and it's time for me to make time to see her while I can...

I know you understand.

I will let you know when I will be shutting down shipping -- but until then, you may want
to think about whatever you'd like shipped sooner than later (boy, that sounds bossy), just so
we have time to get it out to you.

Thanks so much for understanding -- and for your sweet, sweet friendship.
What would a gal do without her friends?

If I can get this house decorated, I'll post some pics real quick! :)

Signing off for now -- hope you enjoy the few new goodies in the store.!



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