
Showing posts from January, 2010

The Last Items From Our Last Jeanne d'Arc Living Shipment Are Finally UP ON THE SITE!

Just a quickie post to let you know that the very last of the things we  still have lingering from our last shipment of 2009  from Jeanne d'Arc Living have FINALLY been  added to the site! (Click here to see them) WHEW! These adhesive vinyl numbers are really neat. They are super easy to apply and  REALLY VERSATILE since you can cut the characters apart  and use them really any way you'd like. They're about 16+ inches long x 3" high and are $19.99.                      We also have two pillow designs that are new to our store from Jeanne d'Arc Living! This pretty "La Cafe'olatte" pillow And... This fabulous, bold "MBK" monogram pillow Both come with a very high quality feather & down insert -- ready to toss right onto your couch or bed! As for our remaining stock of our other  Jeanne d'Arc Living things, well -- as you can imagine,  the stock is dwindling  and from here on out we'll ...

IT'S COMING!! Issue #2 Of Jeanne d'Arc Living Magazine!!

Oh yeah.... It's coming our way... Want to pre-order YOUR copy ? Or do you need some more pics to convince you? Yes... It's gonna be another big batch of Nordic-French EYE CANDY... Shipping in a couple of weeks... or sooner if we get them sooner. Isn't life grand?? :) Great way to start a weekend, huh? ~RUTH~

A Window Shade Project, A Book Search For A Customer, And Some New Items! WHEW!

So... long time no talk! Well, long time no shop talk.   :) To say it's been busy is, well a ridiculously crazy understatement. Life as we previously knew it (as in a few years ago) is gone, baby, gone. Hours spent at the shop/at my desk there are innumerable and I think it best to start getting used to it and realizing that it is the new "normal" and not just "a season of busy-ness" anymore! And you know what -- that's awesome. I'm soooo thankful and my heart is so full and blessed by it all. How can anyone NOT love working like this? I'm surrounded by all things beautiful and there is always a fun, "festive" vibe in the air -- could it get any better? Okay -- meeting called to order now, and we have some business to attend to!    :) FIRST ON THE AGENDA: I have a customer who is desperately seeking a copy of the Jeanne d'Arc Living book "French Atmospheres" and it is no longer available anywhere that I can find.   We sold out...

Evidence of Miracles... Remember Little Amos Who SO Needed To Come Home From Haiti???

We cannot appreciate the miracle of a sunrise unless we have once waited in the darkness..." ~unknown Thank you ALL so much for your prayers for Aaron & Jamie Ivey to get their son Amos out of Haiti safely...  no one could have expected the  SWIFT  answer they would get... Aaron and Jamie Ivey (and countless other adoptive parents) waited in the darkness not  only figuratively for years, but literally all night last night  after getting word out of the blue that their sweet Amos was being placed on a cargo plane in Haiti was heading to Florida! Read the following excerpt from Aaron's Twitter account  to get the  "rest of the story...." (Start reading at the bottom to get it all in chronological order) Frsh showr-new clothes-ready for ATXhomecomng  ATX airport! Hes bringing more vibe to ATX First escalator ever.   RT @ jamie_ivey  In his mommas arms ab...