A Window Shade Project, A Book Search For A Customer, And Some New Items! WHEW!

So... long time no talk!

Well, long time no shop talk.   :)

To say it's been busy is, well

a ridiculously crazy understatement.

Life as we previously knew it (as in a few years ago)
is gone, baby, gone.

Hours spent at the shop/at my desk there are
innumerable and I think it best to start getting used to it
and realizing that it is the new "normal" and not just
"a season of busy-ness" anymore!

And you know what -- that's awesome.

I'm soooo thankful and my heart is so full and blessed by it all.
How can anyone NOT love working like this?

I'm surrounded by all things beautiful and there is always a fun, "festive" vibe
in the air -- could it get any better?

Okay -- meeting called to order now, and we have some
business to attend to!    :)


I have a customer who is desperately seeking a copy of the
Jeanne d'Arc Living book "French Atmospheres" and it is no longer available
anywhere that I can find.   We sold out of all our copies and I don't know of any
place to direct her, so I told her I would go to "my sources" our here in blog land...
If any of you purchased a copy of the hardbound book called
French Atmospheres In The Nordic Style from us (or anywhere else, for that matter)
and are willing to part with it (for a price) I just may have a buyer for it.

If you are interested in getting with my customer about selling her your copy of the book,
please email me and I will put the two of you together and between the two of you,
you can reach an agreement on price, payment, etc.

I know she will sure appreciate it and so will I,
since she pre-ordered a copy from us last year
and then we ended up NOT getting the books somehow.
So, I feel somewhat beholden to her
and would love to see this work out for all parties.

Let me know -- and I'll put you two together.

I got an email from my sweet customer, Debbie, who wanted to show me the window shade she created from one of those fabulous jute/burlap grain sack rugs.

Oh my -- it turned out as beautiful as I always thought it would!

We suggest on our site that you can certainly use the rugs/runners for way more than just
floor use and she actually DID IT!!

Look at this!!!

Is this not just

Back when I painted our kitchen, one of the first things I did was measure the
windows for possibly using the rugs as shades for the kitchen windows,
 but the windows
were bigger than the either size we carry... bummer.

Thank you SO MUCH, Debbie, for sharing your handiwork with us!!
Your window looks incredible!


Just got in these wonderfully thick, sturdy charcoal grey striped towels in and they are MY FAVORITE EVER!

They are sold individually and are the perfect kitchen towel, but they work equally well as an oversized Euro-style bistro napkin at the table.  You're gonna love them!  

These galvanized "number" stools are back in stock and their

industrial-quality good looks must be very in demand because

we already have only one left until our new supply arrives!

Below is one of the hearts made by my daughter, Olivia,
according to my specifications and she did a FABULOUS job!

ALL proceeds
from the sales of these hearts will go
directly to her "fund" to help pay for two mission trips this year --
one Ethiopia
and another trip to China!

So, these hearts will not only beautify your space, but will be a direct
blessing to her -- and in turn, those she goes to minister to this year around the world.

And again, if any of you has a copy of the
French Atmospheres book you are willing to part with,
please let me know and I'll put you in touch with Teresa -- you'll
make her a very happy lady!!    :)

Great "visiting" with you all again!!

Missed ya!



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