Little Bit o' Sunshine -- Little Bit o' Everything :)


When we last "spoke" I was in the midst of making lemonade and
it was SOOO cool and refreshing.  

Thanks for joining me in that.  

Now it is late Sunday evening and I'm thinking of a few things I want to 
share with  you before I get caught up in the
week's "black hole" as sometimes happens.

First, I got THREE blog awards, people!  


Who's happier than me??  

I am feelin' the love big time here!  


I got this bright, cheery 

"Sunshine" award from 


Big, Big thanks to you BOTH!!!
Please be sure and visit both their sites --
you'll be amazed and so happy your discovered them 
(if you haven't already!).
I also got
"Sugar Doll"

from my sweet friend 

I just love Teresa -- she and I have a friendship that started with
us visiting each other's blogs, and her being a customer, and then us
"friending" each other on Facebook -- she's like one of my
sisters now!  Love it!   :)

I just thank you gals so much!!

With the Sugar Doll award,
you were to list some things about you....


Well... Let's see...

1.)  I don't do so well with "surprise" visits from people.  This is not
a good trait about me.  I know I should really learn to be more
flexible.  Don't get me wrong, I love visits -- I just like a 5 minute least.  :)
I'll blame it on being a Southern lady (afterall, isn't that the perfect
excuse for any quirk we have?).  We Southern gals like to give 
each other a minute to fix our hair and lipstick and tidy the house -- 
like we actually look like that ALL the time.  ;)

2.)  I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve.  If I were a
character from Winnie the Pooh --- I'd be Pooh.  
My daughter often
laughs at me for some of the things I say that I guess just
sound "mushy" or "Pooh-bear-ish".  Oh well... that's just me.
Love it or leave it.  :)

3.)  Jumping off on #2, I also tend to be (unfortunately) somewhat
easily hurt and may tend to take things a bit too personally.
I will never forget my father informing me of this -- in his usual very
candid, no sugar-coating way -- when I was younger.  I had never
realized this about myself until he brought it to my attention.
Now whenever I find myself in the midst of maybe taking something a bit
too seriously, I remember his words and kind of smile...

4.)  I am the WORST at returning phone calls.  Just ask
anyone who knows me.... it aint pretty. 
I wonder if it is due to my inherent bad case of shyness...
I sometimes just freeze when I have to pick up the phone to call
someone I don't know.
Once I actually place the call and start talking, all is forgotten
and I'm great with it... it's just that initial dialing that somehow trips me up...
Good thing I'm not a phone solicitor! 
 I KNOW I need to work on this...  :)

5.) And jumping off #4, regarding my shyness, in store situations
where I've been in one of several others
working the floor of a booth, etc., I am likely to let the
others working for me be "out front" and you can find me
somewhere toward the BACK of the booth -- standing there
just smiling at the customers and totally clammed up!
Not how you'd expect a shop owner to be!!  :)
And yes, I know I need to work on THAT as well...

6.) And going back to #3 where I mentioned being perhaps 
overly sensitive --- I can tend to joke around an awful lot and be fairly
sarcastic at times (in TOTAL fun!) but then just totally "fold" when
someone gives it right back to me... now explain that.  
Silly me...  I can dish it out, but I can't take it.  :)
Yep -- gotta work on that one, too.

Looks like I have my work cut out for me!  

Okay then, off to races to begin another busy week

Before I go, I just HAD to share this 

Her blog is beautiful and shares her passion 
for all things French!

But you've GOT to watch her latest fun video!!
In case you haven't seen it, she does an 
completely impromptu and unrehearsed video
rating of her new 

"In - Styler" hair appliance
that she bought and LOVES!

She cracks me up!  And boy is she perfect for
doing videos!!  A natural!

Again, you can click 
to see it!

Have fun!
Maybe after we all watch her fun video about
her new favorite hair appliance, there will be a
run on In-Stylers at Target!   HAHA!   

Take care, mes amis,



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