Heard From The Good Folks At Java & Co. Today! They're Sweetening The Deal For My Blog Readers!!

Today I got a delightful comment from the owner of 
the store you may recall from my 
coffee-themed post a few posts previous to this one.

They are the company that offers all those delectable coffee-based 
foods like syrups, meat rubs made from ground coffee beans, etc...

Well the comment from them was so sweet and I thought
I'd share it with you!  

Here it is:

I'm frequently online and searching for new coffee information and those who share my passion of the bean. Thank you for recognizing JAVA & Co. on your blog. Your comments and those of your followers are greatly appreciated. As a thank you for you and your blog followers - we'd like to offer a special promo code for those who'd like to purchase through our main company website -
Receive 15% off of your order, 
just enter PROMO Code MKT2010 
and checkout through PayPal.

From one caffeine lover to another - I raise my cup to you!

Jamie L. Knoll
Owner / Co-founder

Isn't that awesome??

Thank you so, so much, Jamie!!

So if you have been holding off ordering...

Let's all head over to the 
and be sure and remember to use the coupon code
they so generously offered us!   


Not a bad way to start the weekend, huh?

The meat rubs are most intriguing to me.
The weather is warming and I would love to try some of the rubs on
steaks and maybe even roasted potatoes.

Then there are those luscious sweeter items they sell...


And Jamie -- if you're reading this, a million thanks to you for not onlly
stopping by and commenting but also for extending the discount to to 
me and my readers.

That's how we coffee lovers are, right?
We take care of each other...




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