News about what's NEW!
WHERE is this year going?
It doesn't seem that long ago that I was telling you about the 2nd issue (Spring issue) ofJeanne d'Arc Living being orderable and now we're taking orders for issue #3HERE!
This is their Summer premier issue and its going to be chock full of all the Jeanne d'Arc Living goodness you can't get enough of.
Here's a sampling of just some of the eye candy being printed up for you as we speak:
Remember W-A-Y back last June (ugh... I'm ashamed it's been THAT long ago)when I did a blog post (you can read it HERE)and asked you guys what you thought about the possibility of adding asection to the store's website where we'd sell off a little of this, and a little of that?I even asked you to give me ideas on what to name the new section....And then, as per usual, I got side-tracked and here we are in March -- of the next year!
But no matter, the new section is up and though there are still at least 20 or morethings to go up (AS SOON AS I GET THE CAMERA BACK FROM MYDAUGHTER WHO TOOK IT WITH HER TO ETHIOPIA)but I need to take pics of them first.
This has been fun, though!
I ended up calling it "Up For Grabs - Miscellany"(Lynn, from Paris Hotel Boutique supplied the Miscellany part)and the few things that are photographedare listed HERE!
Have a look and just know that there are quite a few othervarious and sundry things all stacked up in a cornerwaiting to be photographed as soon as my girl returns from Africa.
And by the way,I'm a little afraid to ask, but what do youthink of my"Spring birds" chirping in the background on the blog??
Okay -- if you HATE the sound,please be kind... ;)
Have a great week everyone!
I've got my thinking cap on for a giveaway....
It seems like it "should"be something Spring-themed but I dunno...
I'll come up with something, 'causeit's just fun to do a giveaway of any kind, don't you think?
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