Thought I'd share two shots I took today -
both totally spur-of-the-moment shots:
This one, directly out my back kitchen window as
I stood at my kitchen sink....

It took the picture because I have been struck by the
indecision of our vegetation this time of year.
You'll note that we (finally) have pretty red "Fall" leaves, some skeleton-type trees whose
branches are completely bare, and in the foreground, the
Cypress trees are now filled completely back in with their new
Spring leaves...
The green expanse you see in the middle is our pond...
We are having a terrible time with duckweed and we
simply have to wait for the weather to warm up a bit to treat it.
Until then, our pond resembles a putting green.
The second picture was taken directly out my front door as I was on
my way into our home office/den to sit down at the computer.
I captured our sweet dog Nick and his best-bud cat, Bugsy.
They joined forces immediately upon meeting --
Bugsy as a weeks-old kitten and Nicky as a years-old Lab.
They've been pals ever since. Something just "stuck" with them
right from the start and they've been buddies all along.
That's about it.
Ran out this morning for a quick trip to the salon to touch up the hair...
Have to go back early tomorrow morning to get it "fixed"...
Somehow -- don't know exactly how -- I ended up
with some rather, shall we say, "artsy" streaks in my hair
that are just a tad too "trendy" for this gal.
My beautician says she can blend them right back into my hair
-- "it'll be no big deal at all!"
Thank you, Lord.
Until again,
take care
may you enjoy some pretty
views from your windows, too.
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