Ohhhh, decorating books...
fabulous, big, shiny, wonderful decorating books.
They are my downfall.
Well those -- and SHOES. ;)
I can't even count how many
such books I have around the house -- mostly French-style and of that,
mostly the Provencal French style (country French).
Of late, though, the books I've been ordering have been of the
Swedish decorating ilk.
And I have stocked up quite nicely on them.
SO, I wanted to play nice and share some of them with you.
Now...let me say this right up front...
I mean, come on, how bad could a pre-owned decorating book be?
The original owner obviously has good taste and style (wink-wink) and isn't
likely to trash her books by reading them with one hand while she
knocks back a peanut butter and jam sandwich in the other.
And if she did, she'd SURELY do so with a dainty napkin, right?
(wink-wink, again).
So, I only choose "pre-loved" books that are rated as being
in at least "good" condition but I do buy just about all of my books from AMAZON and I buy them from the re-sellers.
And in all my years of doing this, I've never been disappointed -- and hey,
the more money I save that way, the more I have to spend at
(Where they don't sell anything pre-owned -- thank goodness).
So, having said all this,
below is a listing of all the books I'm parting with this time around
There are SIX fabulous decorating books in this giveaway
and they will ALL GO TO ONE WINNER.
With the exception of just one, they are all good-sized
HARDBACK books and I think you will just LOVE THEM!
Talk about inspiration!
Your pretty little head will be SWIMMING WITH INSPIRATION
if you are the winner of these books!
And if they inspire you to totally re-do your house,
And If you're anything like me, when you get a few new books
to look at, you just HAVE to carry them with you where ever you go so
you can look at them while you're waiting somewhere, etc...
I'll close my eyes and choose one for you! :)
You may find it fun to go on AMAZON in your spare time and have a look at each of these books to see what's up for grabs.
I think you'll be happy!

(Sweden Style is a paperback book)
I will draw the winner this coming Saturday, April 24th.
Bonne chance!
It is GREAT to be back in the saddle.
I was blown away by your comments - never in my life have I felt so
undergirded, so supported, so loved and cared for....so genuinely.
We bloggers have each other's backs, ya know?
I love that.
I love YOU.
Have fun and be sure to leave a comment to enter!!
And if you don't have a blog profile (aka, if you comment
anonymously, PLEASE, PLEASE email me separately so I can have your email
address in case you win! )
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