I'm so excited about tonight!
Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium is on ABC Family channel at 8PM and I plan to cozy up on the couch and watch it.
When I started blogging two years ago, my 8th post on this blog was about that movie.
I'd just watched it for the first time and was CAPTIVATED!
For me, it was a real dreamer's movie.
Perfect for me then, and I suspect it will be just what the doctor ordered as I watch it again tonight.
If your dream(s) are feeling a little "stalled out" or even grounded right now,
I beg of you,
It just might re-infuse you with that sense of wonderment and belief again that you
do it.
I cried -- but what's new?
I cry in almost all "kid's" movies.
Sometimes those kinds of movies speak
loudest to me.
Hmmm... not sure what that says about my maturity level...
So don't be put off by thinking "What can THAT movie say to ME? Isn't that a kid's movie?"
Watch it with different eyes and let it's message speak to the "kid" in you that
still really, really wants to believe you can still be that person you wanted to be
when you grew up.
If you don't have much going on tonight, you just might want to join me watching it.
Wouldn't it be so fun if we could all crowd in on my couch and all around on the floor,
one of us could go make a Dairy Queen run and bring back Blizzards for all of us....
I've got tons of candy and pop corn already,
so you wanna?
Okay -- it starts at 8PM eastern time tonight!
Grab your jammies and c'mon!
From one dreamer to another,
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