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Good Morning, Friends...

{The sunlight was soooo beautiful streaming in this morning that I actually went
and grabbed my camera -- which I rarely do -- to capture the rays coming into the kitchen.}

Just wanted to take one moment out of what is always a 
way-too-busy schedule to say 
GOOD MORNING and invite you into my
kitchen for a quick cup of coffee.

This is my trek into the kitchen each and every morning --
bright and early by at least 6:30AM, to get the coffee going
and start the day.

But some mornings, the way the sunlight plays against the fixtures in the room,
it seems like I could just sit in here for hours with my coffee and my thoughts.

I am still SO very glad we painted the cabinets last Fall.
If you missed that post, be sure to see it 

We basically got the feel of a new kitchen for about $50.00!
That's a great deal in ANY economy!
And considering the old gal's 120 yrs. old (not ME, the kitchen!)
she really turned around with just a coat of paint!

It's funny -- the kitchen was the MAIN room I had my sights set on for
TOTAL GUTTING when we bought the house, but now almost 10
years later, it's still pretty much the same as when we bought it.

It does not have the "requisite" granite countertops (nope, still has
the yucky, scratched formica ones), no Viking stove (like I really "need" one),
I have far less counter space, fewer cabinets, fewer electrical outlets
(WAY less), and less floor space than the kitchen in our previous house,
but somehow I've managed to survive just fine, haven't I?
Funny how that works....

What I DO have are killer views out of A LOT of GIANT antique windows
with wavy glass; brick floors (that I painted, of course), and lots of historic
character around every corner.  So... I think that's a fair trade off.

You may recall that I was struggling to figure out what to do with a newly 
freed-up space in the breakfast area of the kitchen 
(when we repainted, we disposed of a large armoire that formerly took up the floor space)
and I don't think I've yet showed you I finally put there... 

I got a FABULOUS pine table to go there -- it's big drawer holds the
necessities (lightbulbs, batteries, appliance manuals, etc...) out of sight 
and also holds the few remaining decoratives I saved after painting.


See the wooden slated crate-thingy on the floor to the right?  
That is the FIND OF THE YEAR I snagged at Anthropologie from
one of their displays!!!  

 It was the one thing that really caught my eye on a table 
(naturally -- the beat up, rickety display thing -- not the the gazillion things 
on/around it for sale!) and I literally disassembled their entire display to get to it.

I found a price tag on it (for VERY LITTLE!) and marched right up to the check out 
counter with it!  

I still don't know where I'll actually use it -- thus, it's place on the floor for now.
I have a big cake base/pedestal on it now (which also does NOT belong on the 
floor... but I digress...).

Turns out, that crate is WAY bigger than I realized and I just need to find a spot
big enough and just right for it.  
I will.   Trust me.   I will.   :)

OH!  I also wanted to show you something I recently
ordered from this lovely shop online in Paris (YEP! PARIS!).

Look at this beautiful petite banner made of linen!

It says "Bonheur" (the "o" is a cute little button!).

Bonheur = Happiness.  Nice, huh?   ;)

Well, it's off the shop for me...
A nice big delivery has already arrived for the shop and I 
CANNOT WAIT to tear into it!!!

And, since I already have my camera out, there should be no reason
not to hurry and get pics taken of the new inventory and
get it up on the site!

Thanks for spending a a minute with me this morning in the
kitchen over coffee.

You're always welcome -- the backdoor is always open to you!   

If you're interested, the book giveaway ends tomorrow, so feel
free to leave a comment on 

I'll be back tomorrow to pick the winner!

Have a sun-filled day, where ever you are, and stop by anytime!
I'll put a pot of coffee on for us!


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