GIVEAWAY TIME! Subway Sign Style With A French Twist!

I've been away from my blog (and your blogs) for 

Your response to my hubby filling in for me on the last blog post was
SOOOO sweet!!  Thank you!

He read each of your comments and he smiled with each one.
You guys rock  - he was definitely feelin' the love of the blogging world! 

There is so much to catch up on, but let's start this first blog post
back with something FUN -- 


Just LOOK at this fabulous 6" x 9" marble tile!!!
I totally love the edgy subway-style wording but with French places...
Just love it.

The tile is the creation of  Molly, 
owner of 

Isn't it wonderful?!?!

Molly has SO generously offered to give one of my lucky readers this tile
($44.00 value!) for this giveaway.   

Molly has SO many designs.....

you simply won't believe your eyes and the few below
are, trust me,

If the beauty of these tiles looks familiar, it may be because you've seen
them in our shop -- we have several of her tiles and they have been
loved by our customers for years!

The giveaway starts NOW
and runs through Saturday.

Here is all you have to do to enter:

1.)  Leave a comment here, under this post, indicating you'd
like to be entered.

2.)  Pop over to her retail website, 
and take time to browse her site 
(you will get
simply LOST in the many, many, many tile designs she's created)
and if you are a Facebook user, be sure to "Like" her Facebook page
via the box near the bottom of her site's Home page.

3.) Stop by Molly's  blog!
You'll love staying connected with Molly and the new designs 
she's creating!   
While on her blog, be sure and join her blog following
(upper right corner of her blog).  

It's good to be back here on the blog and please enjoy entering
the giveaway and getting to know Molly Coddle designs!!

Much to tell about, but let's enjoy this giveaway and

P.S. -- We are now taking pre-orders for Jeanne d'Arc Living's
LAST issue of 2010 ... of course it is Christmas-themed, and GORGEOUS.
Click HERE to pre-order!

The re-print of last year's "Jul" (Christmas) book in softcover is on it's way to us
and if you already placed your pre-order for it, be expecting it in your mailbox soon!



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