Molly Coddle French Tile Winner!

Can you imagine the beauty that must surround you daily,
if THIS is your art studio??

Or, if THIS is your side window?

your back yard?

 Each of the images above is actually one of
Molly Coddle's original photographic art transformed into

Aren't they INCREDIBLE?

Molly was so sweet to offer one of her tiles for a giveaway...


And I just can't thank her enough!

Molly's shop has more to offer than I could ever show you here,
but suffice to say -- if you want to get a jump on your holiday shopping...

One fabulous gift idea are her many gorgeous sets of

Love these!

I'm so thrilled to have been able to introduce you to Molly and her art.
I've carried her creations in my store for years and I can tell you, 
they are second to none.

Thank you to all who entered and as always,
never fear -- if you didn't win this giveaway,
there are always more tries just around the corner!  

Before I leave you, I wanted to give you a little
sneaky peek at a few more new things we've had in stock now for some time,
just haven't gotten them up on the website yet for online sales....
More fabulousness crafted from true vintage/salvaged
European canvas (from all sorts of past lives)
and sewn into these chic bags and pillows!

Until next time, I will be found in the shop office continuing to
press on shipping out ALL those pre-orders for the 
English re-print of Jeanne d'Arc Living's "Jul" Christmas book...

6 cases down, many more to go!  :)

You are loved,



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