SO MUCH end-of-the-year magazine goodness to share!
It's that time of the year again when all our favorite magazines
are all gussied up for the holidays in their festive finest with
ideas and inspiration brimming from their pages...
and the latest (and last for 2010) issue of
is just that --
gussied up in her Christmas best and ready to ship!
Our cases of the magazine arrived yesterday and will be shipping out immediately.
En route to us NOW (and HOPEFULLY to arrive on Friday, October 22)is the
that SO MANY of you
have placed pre-orders for.
We fully expect to receive the shipment on the 22nd and the
"wrapping and packaging and shipping MACHINE" will go into motion
The last issue of 2010 of
(different from their "Jul" Christmas book) is now on the site
for pre-order, too!
It seems almost impossible that we have ALREADY reached to last issue
of yet another great year of Jeanne d'Arc Living magazine!
Doesn't it just seem that these 8 issues they planned for 2010
came and went so quickly?
Unfortunately, there has been no new news on when the company will
re-open trade of it's decor products to America again (there were apparently
customs issues they wanted to work out) but it hasn't been because I haven't
personally hounded them (nicely, of course) about it all year! :)
They had hoped to have things worked out by this fall but alas, nothing as yet.
But we've stayed plenty busy with just keeping up with magazine orders with them
so we're happy. :)
In the last couple of weeks, we have added some VERY friendly
faces to the shop -- all in an effort to keep the gears turning smoothly and
hopefully get your's truly out of the office in the wee hours of the morning
and back home where she belongs a little more often. :)
Three lovely helpers are now going to be buzzing around helping
keep things flowing and to that I say a hearty AMEN! :)
One of them is my sweet sister, Libby.
You may recall back a few blog posts ago I mentioned that we found out she had
uterine cancer (back in August) and underwent surgery to treat it.
She has healed well and has a VERY good prognosis. (Thanking the Lord daily for this).
With her healing now just about complete, she was ready to jump into something
to take her in a new direction and keep her busy with something new.
SO... what's a sister to do?
HIRE HER of course!
Libby is literally RESCUING me from an avalanche of paperwork/bookkeeping backlog
that has haunted/taunted me for months. I am eternally grateful to her!
You see, she LOVES crunching numbers and sitting for hours solving the
riddles of paperwork.
Numbers CRUSH me, and the "riddles" that pop up endlessly that need to
be unraveled leave me wanting to open a window and toss the whole lot of it out.
So, it's a match made in sisterly heaven.
A sweet gal and bestie of my daughter will also be coming in to help out
here and there -- her name is Rachel and she will be, among other things, helping get all the incoming cases of magazines prepared for shipment back out to our customers. When my daughter has time (between classes, her job, and her busy social schedule, she will occasionally be working with Rachel.
So, when you get your magazine in the
mail, it will have been beautifully tissue wrapped for you
by Rachel or Olivia.
That alone is such a time-saver for me.
Many an all-nighter has been pulled wrapping magazines for shipment the next day.
Not that I don't just love that aspect
(I am NOT being sarcastic here -- I TRULY do love wrapping!)
but there IS something to be said for being tucked away in your own bed
at 2AM vs. being alone in the shop until all hours of the morning pushing it to get
a jump on the next day's shipments. :)
I love's ya,
but I needs my beauty sleep!
So, it is wonderful to enter the shipping segment of these three
beautiful holiday magazines with the knowledge that
I have some much needed help and will be
experiencing firsthand the saying
"Many hands make light work!"
Ahhhh.... feels good already.
And, it is so much fun have the extra laughter and banter between
us all as we work about our own little jobs.
It is truly a joy to be there all day.
Back Saturday to announce the winner of the
giveaway of that GORGEOUS tile from Molly Coddle!
Still time to enter, so if you haven't yet,
whatcha waitin for???
Much love to you all!!
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