I Don't Know About You, But I'm Following Charlotte's Lead! (COUPON CODE ALERT!)

Today is "Cyber Monday",
the web's biggest shopping day of the year!

Cyber Monday always follows "Black Friday" 
(which always confused me... 
we have Thanksgiving Thursday, followed by
"things-gettin' Friday"... but I digress...).
Cyber Monday is a day set apart to encourage the kickoff of your holiday shopping
-- completely online!

I don't know about you, but I do AT LEAST 80% of my shopping online
ALL YEAR LONG (excluding groceries, of course -- but let me tell you, if I had a
service locally that would provide that, I'd be IN!).

No, that wasn't a typo.

At least 80% of my shopping, personal and gift-giving, is done online.
All year.

Part of this is due to the fact that I live in an area that is sort of 
(to me, anyway) in the country.  We do not have a Target or any of the "usual"
chain or big-box stores nearby.  There is one grocery store I go to and our
nearest Wal-Mart is still all most 20 minutes away.  
The nearest mall in any direction is at least 1/2 hour away -- more depending on traffic.

The other reason I've done just about all shopping online for the last decade is that
even when we did live closer to good shopping, I stay so busy with the store that I just never
have time get out and browse the mall/shops.
I keep thinking I'm going to set aside time to go, but ... a week goes by and I
STILL haven't gotten to it.  
I could have had the things delivered to my door in that amount of time!   

Here's how this works in my pretty little head:

1.)   By the time I get out, drive to whatever mall there is "nearby", find a parking spot,
and then trek the length of the mall and back, I could have done all my shopping online
-- and a load of laundry or two!

2.)  Even factoring in online shipping costs, I feel that
my time, the gas I'll guzzle to and from the mall, 
and the headache from
all those wall-to-wall people in the mall is WORTH paying for that shipping.   :) 

3.)  THEN, don't forget to factor in the stops for coffee (what?  you don't stop for coffee on the
way there and back??), food court if you are so inclined, etc. and you are MORE THAN
better off just sitting down with your cup of coffee at home, and instead of
the click of your heels on the tiled mall floor, listen to the click of your mouse
as you fill your online shopping cart to the brim and 
check item after item after item off your shopping list!

PURE LOGIC, right?  ;)

And when you shop The Beautiful Life, we don't even charge shipping,
so, wow... you are actually making money, right?  

Well... maybe not MAKING money,
but your hubby will LOVE that you saved alllll that money and will surely
want you to reward yourself with a victory stop at Sephora.com!  
(hee hee!)

 See... I can totally get you into SOOOO much online shopping trouble!
Stick with me, girls... stick with me.

So, allow me to help jump start your shopping today and give you 
EVEN MORE reason to sit down with your computer and cup of something warm and yummy
and get that shopping done -- 
Use coupon code WEB all day today at The Beautiful Life.com
and save 20% off your order -- all items, no minimum and including sale items.

Oh, and did I mention we ship for free?

And... did I mention there are still a few new items that will be appearing online
in the New Items section  a little later this morning?  ;)

See you online!



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