I got the sweetest blog award and I'd love thank Adrienne of
(don't you just LOVE that name??)
The award is the
"Stylish Blogger Award"
and it completely made me smile. :)
Thank you, Adrienne!! How fun!!!
Along with the award, I am constrained to share 7 fun facts with you
then pass the award on to 7 other stylin' bloggers.
Super fun!
Sooooo, let's get this party started:
1.) I am a city-girl through and through. I never want to go camping a day in my life.
Ever. There's a reason we've made improvements through the centuries to include indoor
plumbing, electricity and running water. If I ever get a hankering for the
"good old days"... take me antique shopping. ;)
2.) Though I am a city girl... I do harbor a secret desire for the more
simple things -- things with the character that only history can give.
Wooden screen doors slamming as guests enter. Large farmhouse-style kitchens
with a big gathering table and lots of "elbow room" for guests that will
inevitably congregate there.
Like this old truck... man, I'd love to have this or one like it...
We used to pass an old (Ford? Chevy?) truck on the way to church each Sunday morning that was for sale out in someone's yard. It was there for years... until one day it was gone. I secretly hoped that maybe it was gone because my hubby, having heard my dreams of having it, secretly bought it for me and it had disappeared from the man's yard and was out being restored for me...
It did sell, I suppose, but it does not reside with me. :)
That's ok -- my "dreams for it were silly anyway. I didn't want to drive it, I wanted to park it in our
yard, just like you see in the picture above. I wanted to decorate it for the seasons/holidays...
hay bales in the truck bed with pumpkins, etc. for Fall. Decked out with little white twinkle lights and
a gorgeous big wreath for Christmas. Flags and bunting for Summer. And tubs of flowers and
Spring flower garland for Spring. Hearts for Valentines Day, Shamrocks for St. Patty's day, etc...
And when we have outdoor parties -- fill the back up with ice for drinks!
So, as you can see... I only wanted it for a glorified lawn ornament.
No wonder I didn't get it. ;)
By the way, the 1959 Land Rover pictured above is a fully restored one of a kind that
the good folks at
Orvis.com have up for auction this month. If you are so inclined to
participate in the online auction, just be aware that as of an hour or so ago, the highest bid
was at just shy of $100K.
Just sayin...
Okay... #3.)...
Well... hmmm... Some of you may remember a year or so ago I was still sporting
blonde hair. I'd been blonde for about 12 years or so and then I decided to go back to my
"roots" (haha -- hey, it was just sitting there, I had to go for it). So, now I am back
to my very dark brown hair. I happy with it, but now my secret wish is to go for
hair extensions. Everyone always rolls their eyes when I say that... "But you already
have long hair, what do you need those for?"
Since when does a gal need an excuse for wanting an even more lush crowning glory??
Do any of you have experience with extensions? The woven-in kind?
The clip in kind?? Do tell!
4.) We are about to embark on a MAJOR home repair project.
Our poor old gal of a home (born in 1891) is going to have to have at least
half her downstairs original hardwood floors yanked up and replaced.
Termites have had their way with the wood and we can no longer put it off.
But, I'm excited about it. The old floors definitely have character but they have seen their better days
and it will be fun to have new, good solid wood back down again.
Super dark, hand-scraped, wide planks.
Can't wait.
Good thing, too. Because this house has no foundation and no subfloor.
So... one false move on these rickety floors and someone is going straight
through to the dirt below.
And... I will DEFINITELY be blogging about it -- before/after pics!
5.) I have a keen interest in the whole
raw food diet. But no clue how I could ever
truly incorporate it into my life. I stay so busy I barely cook a "real" meal anymore,
and from what I've seen, the raw food way requires a lot of planning, special buying
and prep. By the way, for those wondering what a raw food diet is, it is NOT where you
eat anything gross like raw meat. It is a plant-based diet that involves no cooked foods --
everything eaten in it's most natural state.
Anyone have experience with eating this way?? I'd love to hear your story!
6.) In the wake of what I said above in #5, I am the same gal who
at any given moment will suddenly crave a wonderful steak. Not often, mind you,
but when I do, it's like I MUST get one. And then there is my love of
coffee. And candy. And baking sweets. See now why #5 is probably going to just
stay a pipe dream for me?? ;)
7.) I would have another child in a heartbeat if I could. When I saw the wonderful
I was so thrilled for them! No doubt, they faced naysayers since they are no longer
within society's guidelines for what is considered the proper age to still bear children.
So I congratulate them for choosing to bring life into the world again -- I imagine
that their new little boy will bring only joy, love, and healing to their home.
Yippee for them! :)
And now for the seven other bloggers I'd like to pass this award of style on to...
I think you'll enjoy each and every one of their blogs -- there is
something for everyone at each one.
And thank you again, Adrienne, for passing the
"Stylish Blogger"award to me!
Sooo fun!!
Have a great weekend everyone!
It's December and it's chilly here (finally!) -- great weather
to get out of the house.
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