Happy Valentine's Day, sweet friends!
You love chocolate,
fancy dinners,
jewelry, and
all that makes Valentine's Day,
well... Valentine's Day.
But you know what we ladies also reallllllly realllllly like??
A sale and a chance to swoop in and snag that special something
we've had our eye on forever, but we've been being "good" and putting off.
Sweetie -- it's YOUR DAY today!
scoop up some "decor candy" for yourself
and through midnight take 25% off it all --
choose from the newest additions to the store
or shop the clearance section --
it's all included.
Just enter coupon code: LOVE during check out and
VOILA! It's our gift to YOU! :)
Forrest Gump said "My mama always said, Life is like a box of chocoloates -- you
never know what you're gonna get."
Well we say, scoot on over to The Beautiful Life and choose your own
"gift" and know EXACTLY what you're gonna get! ;)
In other news, real quick, I just have to say there are some
REALLLLLLY cool things coming your way in the shop.
My, oh my.... ;)
And before I head off to be amid the beauty at
The Beautiful Life,
You might remember Jami and Freckled Laundry from
about doing a fabulous faux finish (that's a tongue-twister)
on a nightstand, making it look just like one of those
incredible zinc chests from Restoration Hardware.
Well, creative Jami just posted about a mantle re-do and in it
she uses one of our
inside a bare wooden frame... oh my word... I LOVED IT!
Check this out!
All of Jami's posts are so great -- what creativity!!
Take care, sweet friends. Indulge in your chocolate, candy, roses,
wonderful dinner, whatever. And take a moment to
get yourself a little sumpin'-sumpin' at 25% while you're at it.
And no matter what -- remember
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