Me and Ladders and Sawhorses...

Off to a very good start this A.M.

So far I've managed to display my genius to the trim person who showed up... Here's how it went:

Carpenter: "I may have to leave again to go get my other ladder... I knew I forgot something." 

ME: "Oh that's ok! We have one -- you mean this kind, right? (I use my hands to make an upside down "V") 

CARPENTER: "Um... y-e-s..." ME: "Well I mean this kind (hands make the upside down "V" again) not this kind (arm goes straight out and up)" CARPENTER: blank stare... 

ME: "You know, those... I don't know... those... straight kind... the big kind you don't fold..." 

CARPENTER: (Looking like he's trying not to laugh) "Oh you mean an extension ladder. No, just the regular kind." (and I could have SWORN I almost saw his hands start to make the upside down "V" like I did). ;)

Then, about 3 minutes later, as he's setting up his saw horses.... 

ME: "Oh wow, that's cool... (pointing at the metal part where the legs join what looks like a big oversized loaf pan)... "kind of like an inverted trough! Did you make that? That's so neat!" 

CARPENTER: "Ummmm... no, they sell these at Lowes. They're called saw horses." 

ME: "Oh, and so you added your own wood to the top, though, right?" 

CARPENTER: (now, truly not knowing what to do with anything I'm saying) "Yes... makes it a lot easier to use them if you add the 2 x 4s to the top..." 

ME: "Well, thanks...I guess you can tell that it doesn't take much to amaze me... I think I'll go inside now, if you need anything."

See... What makes perfect sense to me seems to be totally nonsensical to everyone else. (Reminded now of what my husband said to me last week... "We aren't being mean, we're just trying to make sense of the silliness that comes out of your mouth.")


But again, I think if I just keep those chocolate chip cookies coming, they'll be willing to put up with whatever comes out of my mouth, right? 
But I will try to just let them go about their work and keep my questions to a minimum... like "Can I get you guys any more water or cookies?" :)

Have a great Wednesday, everyone... I'm gonna go head over to the office and get out of this poor carpenter's way. :)



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