So Far On This Rainy Monday Morning...(Conversations With My Lord This Morning...)

SO FAR THIS MONDAY, VERSION #1:   Well great, Lord... I forgot to buy coffee yesterday so hubby & daughter left the house w/o travel mugs today,  and yep... it's raining... so now there isn't any good light to judge paint samples on this last day to do so & the crown moulding pieces on the porch that are supposed to be installed in the dining room got a little wet overnight in the rain,  and Lord You know how I'm sooo tired... realllly tired, and there are mega-amounts of work in the office to catch up on, have to make another 1-hr round-trip drive to finish buying paint (painters come tomorrow), Oh dear sweet Lord, for some reason everything looks slightly overwhelming from where I stand ... like none of it will ever really get done (work, orders, new items to post on site, house reno, laundry, etc...). HOW LONG will I be living in the reality of "two steps forward, five steps backward... :/

But... there is ANOTHER way to see this, I do believe...

So I think I'll start this over again...

SO FAR THIS MONDAY, VERSION #2: Rained/thundered all night... I love how everything looks outside on a rainy morning (and it's a tad cooler!) &
thank you, Lord, only about a foot of the crown moulding got a little damp - surely that won't be a big deal,
and though the light isn't great for properly judging which colors to buy later today, it is such a blessing in disguise (the way You seem to wrap a lot of our blessings... in disguise...) to be able to have the opportunity to get out away from work, etc. and actuallyhave to go to my favorite place -- Hyde Park and in particular Restoration Hardware... it's as though You have simply arranged things so that I am "forced" to take a break and get out of here for a while.  Thank you, Lord... only You would have thought of this!!  :)

Yes, I did forget to buy coffee yesterday, but thankfully both hubby & daughter have a Starbucks in their path to work & school, & the whole reason I forgot to pick up the coffee is because I was at church from morning until about 5pm doing things for my 4th grade class planning (so my "world" was a little off kilter because of getting home so late) -- but oh what an incredible class we had yesterday & what a privilege it is to be with those kiddos.... 

Yes, I'm def feeling overwhelmed, Lord. But if the past is any indication, I know that "this too shall pass" and I am truly thankful that with regard to the biz, though I am so far behind I barely know where to start, thank you for the wonderful business You are bringing my way. I'll do my best to be a good steward of it today. 

And though the house is torn apart and seems unfamiliar and not very "home-like" at this moment, thank you that You are allowing so many new changes to come about when really all we needed to do was put some new flooring down. What a blessing. 

Thank you, Lord, for this gorgeous rainy Monday. So full of challenges and yet so full of Your obvious hand of blessings. 

I hear Him saying "Now off you go -- it's 10 o'clock -- we're wasting daylight, girl!"

Yes, I'll choose SO FAR THIS MONDAY MORNING #2...

And off I go... :)


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