The Spring and Summer issues are always light and lovely and fresh...
They offer us airy, sun-filled ideas and inspiration and we love those issues!
wouldn't you agree,
there is just something about the Fall issue ...
it marks that long-awaited transition into the months that
bring us nothing but comfy, cozy, roasty-toasty,
cuddle-up, snuggle-up inspiration.
it is the issue that brings the promise of the issue
AFTER it --
the coveted
Christmas issue!!
(Coming in mid-November).
If you wish to pre-order a copy for yourself
(our shipment of the magazine is due to hit our
doorstep THIS WEEK!)
and get yours!!
Also new from our friends at
Jeanne d'Arc Living in Denmark,
here are some amazing new items in the shop:
BEAUTIFUL, large ceramic bottles with swing stopper...
Metal tags/badges in three color choices:
These VERY large zinc trays (set/2)...
Just cannot even describe how amazing these are:
Below, the parcels of reproduced French script ephemera are back in stock,
BUT we now offer these parcels both in the paper-weight as well as
now in heavy card/board stock!
Each weight has a variety of applications!
These aluminum bottles (screw-on stopper included) are so unique...
HUGE, commercial sized roll of some of THE MOST GORGEOUS
giftwrap ever made...
We're on our 3 re-order now of this incredibly popular item!
fabulous ceramic jars are on their way to us and
will arrive along with our shipment of the Fall issue!!
Be looking for them on the site SOON!
We have a small supply of these GORGEOUS and elegant
linen/flax Christmas stockings and will be adding them to the site
Other just as fabulous new additions are:
Galvanized metal lidded tins with cheese label graphics in red or blue:
These most amazing LARGE and intricately, dimensionally sewn utensil banners!
Wonderful, fun cotton napkin sets!
Sets of assorted zinc leaves -- great for place settings
and adornment anywhere!
Super fun, large zinc "medal" -- write on the
medal whatever you'd like or decoupage a
lovely image or insignia!
One of the newest items I still cannot get over --
the detail work that went into making each of these... you cannot imagine.
Each one is COMPLETELY unique (the picture here is just a sampling)
and each one equally breath-taking.
These items are easily found by clicking
Well, that should keep you busy for a while anyway. ;)
It has been CRAZY-BUSY here... all good, just busy.
One of these days, I'm going to sit down and write a sort of
"what I did this summer" post...
Yeah... should be good. :)
Thanks for the visit -- enjoy the crisp Fall air if you have it already.
Keep praying for it (like I am) if you don't!
With Warm Hugs,
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