Peony Fluff

Yesterday, our temperature soared to 36 degrees Celsius, here in Niagara....and in the course of less than 48 hours the peonies went from buds to blooms!
It was so hot and the humidity stifling, that I had to cut all the blooms at the risk of losing them overnight...

....our weather is continuing to be so unpredictable and by mid June I am fearful that the garden will be spent.....everything will have finished the growing cycle for the year....

....I was able to fill a large zinc bucket and another sap bucket full of the cut blooms....

....three plants growing in partial shade have still to bloom, so the peony parade isn't over as yet!

I was surprised, since our winter was very mild, the plants yielded bountiful bouquets.....

.....Perfect for a early June wedding......

....they look like fluffs of meringue.....

....a small delicate wisp of porcelain vine, adds just a touch of movement and interest....
.....could see this in a bridal bouquet, don't you think?

......such short lived beauty, but breathtaking......

....There is a season for everything, a time for every occupation under Heaven....

Ecclesiaste 3:1-8

...the garden....a constant reminder of the cycle of life.....

....and lest you should think that everything around here is just perfect....far from it....the carriage house is being readied for the storage of boxes and boxes and boxes.....and the house is a shambles in preparation for the reno !!

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