Just thinking....what's next??

Today, just like everyday, I went back to check on the progress of the renovation to our home in Jordan...
I like to go on the weekend, when all the trades are absent, and I can look at what has been done through the week, alone, without company or observation...
It was a wet, drizzly and foggy day today, not looking like Christmas at all...
The light coming in through the big, new windows was a flat, dull grey...
but I liked the way it played off the walls, and the paint colour I had chosen, Cake Batter.
I thought it would work nicely with the greens and whites I like to decorate with at Christmas,
and the newly upholstered sofas, now renewed with a creamy cotton duck fabric.
Two tufted, vintage bedroom chairs will join them, recovered in a green pastoral toile fabric. To date that is really all I have decided to do until we move back in.

It's been a learning curve these last few months, every little detail must be considered to avoid disappointment and worse, mistakes you have to live with!


I am hoping that all the collections and trappings of life accumulated over the years will find their way back in....

I know that I edited for six months, while I was packing for the remodel and I have a gnawing suspicion that more will have to go!  Several walls were knocked down, so space for furniture has diminshed....

I know that I liked the way things fit in last Christmas....

This sweet, Victorian scrap ornament, taught by Susan at Stitch this week, has kept me occupied of hand, if not of mind....

I plan on making a few more this week.

Connection to things is interesting....memories recalled and experienced.....

I quite liked the way they looked in my old house, how will they look now??


One thing for certain is a constant,  our beautiful, woodland surroundings have not changed over the years that we have lived here...every season they bring new beauty, especially in winter....
Today, looking through the new, white windows, the view was the same, familiar and

Next week will be the tell all......the floors and kitchen will be installed....
Progress, finally!

Thank you for bearing with my fragmented thoughts today!


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