Making a list....and deleting it twice!

I am not a big list maker, but since I have had an iPhone, the Notes app has become my best friend...gone are all the lists of groceries and to do's of holidays gone by...instead everything I need to do is hidden away and available at a touch of the screen...thank you Mr. Jobs...

Food takes top priority at my house, after decorating....first priority at my sister's house...before decorating! It is always a source of friendly discussion between the two of us!
Today, I did just that...made to buy, baking supplies to buy, stocking stuffers, etc. and I actually
managed to DELETE a few off the list...and it is only Dec. 3rd!

Last year was the first time I decided to make a trifle, not really Italian, but we do have husbands who are of English and Scottish I made a Black Forest Trifle last can see it pictured was lovely, but not really a big seller...

What is requested, however, every year by our husbands, is mincemeat pie or can see it below.  I bake it in a fluted flan pan, add more rum and brandy, a grated pear or two... since it is so rich, it makes a thin piece just perfect for a serving....again, not a big seller, except for two special men in the family!

I found these cute chocolate mice to embellish it with...

Another tradition on the " to do " list is egg nog which I make from scratch...I have made this every year since my sons were very young....with and without spirits....
I use Southern Comfort for my recipe...tastes like a milk shake!

I like to gift this to friends, and it makes a wonderful hostess gift...

My sister Micki makes most of our Christmas goodies, above are her beautifully wrapped Maria Bruno bars, loaded with candied fruit, spices, nuts and chocolate...the recipe is an old family recipe from our Mother.

She own's M.A.M. Gourmet and is in "production" everyday till Christmas!!!

Shortbread stars, dipped in white chocolate, are a favourite with our family, as well as her many clients...they just melt in your mouth!

Ricotta cookies, frosted with cream cheese frosting are one of my favourites!!!

Here is an assortment of treats for Christmas Eve at our house... along with the traditional Italian pizzelle, dusted with icing sugar, are the decadent butter tarts, my boy's favourites!!
As well as our husband's!

Here you can see that a few are missing from the front row!!!

This is prior to dessert being served!


Because there will be no decorations for me to consider this year....have I said that before? :(  I will have to do some baking I suppose...

Last year's family room window sill....
It is quite different now, it is boxed in with a new window and painted white.  We were able to retain the stone insert as it was, and the panelling is painted in Benjamin Moore, Fresh Cream..

Back to baking... :-\


I love that we mix up our traditions, both our husband's and our's, that is what creates such a rich tapestry for our children and families to embrace, cherish and remember from year to year.. Scottish shortbread, English trifle and mince pie, egg nog, Italian pizzelle and biscotti...

How fortunate we are....

I hope that your list is getting shorter, and the preparations for the month ahead coming to fruition....

Remember, to take time to reflect on the true meaning of this beautiful season....


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