A thing of beauty....

I remember reading something once about Jacqueline Kennedy, that one of her goals of motherhood was to bring culture and beauty into her children's lives...this stuck with me for some reason. I have two sons, grown young men, who no doubt have views of their own about culture, oblivious to the beauty that I see....


Recently, I sent this photo to my youngest son...from Pinterest..he has been thinking about getting a dog...he is so busy, working with his brother running a business, playing hockey, and finding time to play the dating game...I hoped that subtley , I could show him the beauty of a relationship between a pet and his master...even though we had several pets while they were growing up, inevitably the brunt of pet care fell upon my husband or myself....the beauty of this photo touched me...happily it did the same for him....


Simple, extraordinary beauty is all around us. I am fortunate to be surrounded by the beauty of Nature every day, it has inspired me in my every day life, and made me receptive to the possibilities it has afforded me...professionally and personally. I endeavour to bring beauty to our everyday life, meals, the way I set my table for supper, or just baking a rhubarb pie, my oldest son's favourite...

I have managed to grow rhubarb here in my shade garden, beautiful in it's simplicity, just freshly cut, in the late afternoon sun...the original plant was a gift to the garden from my friend Brenda......one of the first signs of Spring.....


My role as a mother has changed over the years, my nurturing instinct I have applied to other things now...

.....nurturing new rose bushes, not your usual shade, woodland garden participants....but I am determined to make them happy here...


Cinderella Fairy among some budding oak leaf hydrangeas, just one year after her addition to the garden....

.....Nature's hand at orchestrating beauty in the garden.....

Here she is in full bloom, all the characteristics of the old antique varieties, floriferous....very fragrant and blowsy and delicate....I secretly smile to myself when both my sons visit, and choose to sit outdoors.... in the garden.....

I think that ultimately, behind everything I do, I strive to make it beautiful....everyone 's idea of beauty is very different...my sister Micki brings beauty with her food presentation....

....recently she catered a bridal tea...every delicate detail from garnishing the finger sandwiches to

the cucumber and mint infused water contributed to the beauty of the food and message behind the event...

.....coming together to share a beautiful event in the life of a new bride to be.....her daughter, Allison, my niece, hosted the shower, just two weeks after being diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer...beautifully resilient...the inner beauty of a person....a force to be reckoned with!



The beauty that develops with age has always resonated with me.......a vintage pedigree is so much more interesting.......




I think about incorporating vintage, aged details, when I plan and design my wedding florals.....time's imprint on beauty....

I live in a testosterone driven world....a husband, two sons, and every dog I have ever owned, male!

My inclination to bring beauty and culture to my world can, at times, be challenging! The above photo, from Pinterest, is likely more realistic of my adult, married life, interjected with opera playing in the background, interiors sprinkled with vintage finds and romantic touches, a garden showing glimpses of grand dreams and schemes of my own idea of beauty....I would not have it any other way!

There is a delicate balance in our world today.....very delicate....what is beautiful, however far outshines, the ugly....we must always focus on that!

Surrounding ourselves with beauty, whatever that beauty might be..... is a joy forever....

Wishing all my dear readers a beautiful Spring!




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