A few weeks ago, while reading my blog list....which I always indulge myself with late at night after the day is done, I was delighted and inspired by Keri's post from Ivy Clad.
She shared her recipe for a lemon, butter cake, deliciously drizzled with lemon icing sugar...it sounded divine, so I marked it! I thought my family would be lucky recipients of Keri's simple but delicious cake...I took it one step further and decided I would use the recipe in cupcakes instead, and fill them with my lemon curd....

As chance would have it, my friend, Jermaine from the blog French Kissed, was sharing her recipe for embellishing lemon cookies with candied violets from her California garden...I knew that would not likely happen here !! However, I did find some tiny purple violets at the florists last week....and my plan came to fruition!!
Keri's lemon cake recipe, paired with Jermaine's sugared violets...blogging at it's best!

I was quite happy with the results, and they got rave reviews from my Easter guests...
My sister Micki, also brought for the dessert table, her beautiful and delicious shortbread robin cookies and eggs, iced and embellished with pastel dragees...
unfortunately Picasa did not co operate and I cannot share them with you!!!

Moving back home for our first family dinner, Easter Sunday was so comforting, soothing and totally right for both my husband and I.....
The newly renovated home is perfectly suited for family gatherings.....

A view of the new kitchen, still sparse and waiting for homey finishing touches....

Looking towards the newly added dining room/garden room/mini conservatory....

We have so much light coming into the new space from all angles....
The two bar stools are on approval, but they will be returned this week...not at all comfortable! Still looking.....

...the finished vanity for the powder room, with Avonite counter......

I was very happy with the results, a touch of vintage and a bit of English charm....
...the scalloped mirrors are from Ballard Designs, I thought them perfect to echo the cut out shape of the Avonite backsplash...I was hoping to emulate the look of a vintage washstand....

A small vintage sconce also helps to illuminate this tiny room, sans window or natural light....

...the small gold leaf pictures were purchased at a market in Italy during a visit there with my Mom...I still treasure them....

In this photo you can see how the vintage Vaseline sanctuary light hanging above creates soft shadows to give a warm glow to this room...it previously hung in the hallway...

The small pots of violets, which generously yielded enough flowers for my cupcakes are waiting for more temperate weather to be planted outdoors....
The "holding tank" currently, is an Italian drinking fountain, waiting to be installed by the front walk....
I loved reading all of my blogging friend's posts over the last several months....they are always inspirational, educational, touching and sometimes profound....
Even if time does not permit for me to post about my small corner of the globe, it brings me into close proximity with all of my dear friends out there, just like me....the bliss of blogging...
Wishing all of you a most joyous Spring season!
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