Roses in trees.....

Roses in trees....


A few weeks ago, I came across a very idyllic photo, which left me with my jaw was a photo of Sophie Loren's garden in her Roman villa, photographed in 1964, for Life magazine.....roses growing through gnarled old trees with an understory of grazing sheep... perfection!



This was all the inspiration I needed to trellis my roses....why not tree branches instead of the standard iron tuteurs or cages commonly used to corral arching canes and heavily laden bushes....I was on a mission!

Luckily, living in the woods affords an abundance of fallen tree material....I love the look of cherry tree bark and branches....they have just the right texture for the delicate roses....soooo, we drove some reinforcing iron rods into the soil and attached the beautiful cherry branches....there were some very skeptical looks and arguments in the process...but I was not to be swayed!


Here, if you look closely, the iron rod is holding the cherry branch securely against the rose bush...






Cinderella Fairy, attached to a fallen, cherry tree branch.....

Like most gardens, the roses wait for no one...their first blush is a fleeting glimpse of beauty, whose questionable longevity is subject to sun, wind and rain....

I finally scored Pierre de Ronsard from Palatine Roses this Spring....looking beautiful after just a few months in my garden....yes!

In the kitchen...


Trying to capture them indoors....for a bit.



....and a little bit longer on some sap buckets....

Till next time....I hope I can post a bit more often, but I do visit my blog friends when I have some down time, between gardening and unpacking boxes!!!




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