One Room room

I might be a bit late for this...I seem to have a severe mental block when it comes to linking and copy and paste.....I am going to give it a go, and see what happens....

....small upstairs bedroom....

This is a spare, main floor bedroom, where my youngest son slept...during the renovation, we enlarged it...slightly, borrowing about two feet from the adjacent bedroom..

Since a guest room with a full ensuite bath is on the lower level, I felt two guest rooms might be a wasted space, but you never now, when a bit too much wine on a Friday night might necessitate unexpected lodging for one or more !! Seriously, I think the space should be used, and it would make a great studio.

My goal is to shop from the carriage house, our outbuilding, which has become the repository for furniture and accessories I couldn't part with from my now closed shop and vintage finds....this challenge has prompted, and inspired me to get the room decorated and functioning...thank you, Linda, from Calling it Home blog for nudging me on this.....

The painted French bed was from the shop, but if you look closely, you will see a large crack in the headboard developed in I can either upholster the headboard, or replace it....

The carved flower basket relief is so lovely, I have decided to remove it, salvage it and reuse it over the window frame, serving as a valance....currently, a linen roller shade covers the window...

The open storage to the right, houses extra quilts and linens, which I just have stacked there currently to hide the wires for a flat screen TV...if it is ever installed here....the closet to the right has an overhead light in it...I think this will be where my sewing machine will reside, as well as storage for my stash of vintage linens and fabric...


I hope to fit a vintage piece, desk, table or small buffet in the space, and extra shelving, using the existing clothes rod for hanging fabric...the light is concealed in the ceiling of the closet...


The chandelier is vintage, and will well as the wall colour, just painted BM Cake Batter in the renovation....

A vintage bookcase from my shop.....waiting to be used to organize my collection of home decor books, magazines and pretty collectibles....I really want this room to be for me...pretty, but refuge..a place to create...and feel inspired....I really want to get rid of the bed, but my hubby thinks we need an extra bedroom....??


I am thinking of a blush, cream, white colour palette....with a touch of black and leopard...

Inspiration from uncredited Pinterest source....

I will need a table to serve as a desk/work table which will be placed under the chandelier, at the foot of the bed...currently in the room...maybe to be removed!!

So many ideas.....Challenging...Fun.....I hope you will follow many bloggers have accepted the challenge...six weeks of inspiration and, off to link up....wish me luck...N.xo



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