
I am hoping everyone had a beautiful Easter weekend...for the first time in my married life we ate out for Easter brunch! The jury is still out on that...I am still recovering from an upper respiratory infection and just felt it was the right decision for this time...

Due to my lower than usual energy level, finishing up with the small details I think are so important in home decor, things have been going slowly around here....

I felt a sisal area rug would add texture to the mainly cream coloured decor of the walls and soft furnishings, throw cushions and such....and the hunt for a coffee table is still on...I would like to add green ticking fabric in these rooms, but green with a blue undertone is almost impossible to find...

In the meantime, out of necessity, I decided to cut down the base of an existing dining table stored in the carriage house and make it work for is large, has an interesting shape and can accommodate a buffet of appetizers or any other food served on it...

It has a pretty base, I am liking it here for the time being...the rug is from World Market, soft, perfect colour tone and the right price!



I did very little in the way of Easter decorations, but added a few little details to existing groupings..

I am liking the addition of more blue, with Spring and Summer around the corner...reminds me of robin's eggs...

The bird's nest in this little grouping was found at my Mother's grave, the very first Morher's Day after she had two perfect blue robin's eggs in Mother only had the two of us, my sister Micki and me...I have used it in all my holiday decorations since I found it there...

The lovely, and delicious shortbread chicks and eggs were an Easter gift from Micki...they are enrobed in white chocolate and are as delicious as they are beautiful....


These bird candle sconces have been in my home for a long time...I decorate them according to the some club moss and small ivies....

...,a view from the garden/ breakfast room into the great room/kitchen.......

I like to combine rough, simple objects with more luxe this Chinese export china tureen, with my rusty, painted, tin sap buckets....


I have to find a home for this large, turkey transferware the meantime, it is just out on the breakfast room table, where I can look at it every day.....enjoying it's beauty.

Small details are important for adding interest and personality to my home...perhaps being a Virgo and my penchant for symmetry and order are part of it...I just know I can spend hours on small details, others find insignificant and possibly, not even notice ! I hope to plant the jasmine vine in the garden, as soon as the weather warms up....In the meantime, new things are happening here at Acorn business is growing in a new direction, which I will share as soon as it is completed....




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